Profile picture of Christine (Christie) Downs

Christine (Christie) Downs

PhD Candidate, Finance

Affiliations: Finance
Office: Anstett 291C



Christine Downs is a finance PhD student in the Lundquist College of Business at the University of Oregon, and a professional military officer with more than 17 years of progressively complex experience across a wide range of planning, resourcing, and educating functions. She has extensive experience leading a diverse array of teams sized 2 to more than 400, and proven ability to combine vision, creativity, and stalwart work ethic to successfully improve organizations. Downs has familiarity working with international partners in the Republic of Korea, Australia, Afghanistan, and throughout the United States.

Degree History:
  • MPS, Legislative Affairs, George Washington University, 2019
  • MS, Finance, University of Michigan, 2011
  • BS, Psychology, United States Military Academy, 2005
Previous Positions:
  • Adjunct Professor, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, University of Maryland University College, 2011-2012
Professional Leadership:
  • United States Army, 2005–present
    • Managed a $1.7 billion annual operating budget to resource 233 medical, dental, public health, and veterinary facilities across 26 states and two U.S. territories
    • Coordinated more than $42 million in critical healthcare requirements in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, helping mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by protecting healthcare staff and patients, improving testing site availability, and resourcing the Department of Defense's vaccination effort
    • Synchronized all medical operations across southern Afghanistan with ground and air maneuver units, medical treatment facilities, and multinational military partners to support over 50,000 Afghan/Coalition Forces and 2.5 million civilians
    • Organized and led a military family support program resulting in more than 2200 hours of volunteer community service
    • Personally flew numerous combat MEDEVAC helicopter missions, including rescuing 196 wounded military and civilians from the battlefield

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Areas of Expertise

Professional Credentials

  • Certified Defense Financial Manager, American Society of Military Comptrollers

Research Interests

  • Consumer lending practices
  • Corporate governance
  • Corporate retention incentives
  • Household saving behavior
  • Interest rates
  • Market liquidity
  • Monetary policy
  • National and corporate debt structures
  • Renewable energy use
  • Tax code incentives

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  • "Combat Aeromedical Evacuation Operations," Theater Nurses Symposium, Afghanistan, 2011
  • "Morningness/Eveningness Preferences and Cadet Performance," Conference of the International School on Mind, Brain, and Education, Sicily, Italy, 2007
  • "Morningness/Eveningness Preferences and Cadet Performance," Hudson Valley Undergraduate Psychology Conference (3rd Place Presentation), New York, USA, 2005

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