The Lundquist College of Business doctoral programs in accounting, finance, marketing, and operations and business analytics are now accepting applications for fall term admission only. All applications and required admission materials MUST be received by January 17, 5:00 p.m. PT. The priority deadline and start of application review is January 5.
Note: If the deadline falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then the deadline is the closest Monday. For example, if the deadline is January 5 and that falls on a Saturday, then the actual deadline will be Monday, January 7.
View Detailed Application Instructions
Students admitted to the PhD program should have a solid foundation in statistics and have proficient English writing and speaking skills. Students may be accepted into the program without a graduate degree, but an MBA or other graduate degree is desirable. A student with no formal business training will need to take additional classes to supplement the specialized coursework of the doctoral program.
- Approximately two years of course work
- Full-time residence, minimum three consecutive terms of full-time study
- Two independent research papers
- Comprehensive exam
- Dissertation
- Satisfactory performance as a research and teaching assistant
- Satisfactory performance as a classroom teacher
- Additional departmental requirements
For questions about the program or for more information, please use our online inquiry form.
Admission Criteria
For admission to the doctoral program, the student must
- Provide evidence of scholarly promise.
- Satisfy the admission requirements of the Lundquist College of Business and of the University of Oregon Graduate School.
- Be recommended by the department in which the candidate expects to major and by the doctoral programs committee.
Averages for Recently Matriculated Students
- GPA: 3.84 (4-point scale)
- TOEFL IBT: 104
- GMAT: 720 (quantitative: 87th percentile | verbal: 87th percentile | 5.3 Writing)
- GRE Revised General Test: 320 (163 quantitative: 87th percentile | 157 verbal: 73rd percentile)
Training in Effective Teaching
Developing effective teaching skills is a significant part of the PhD program and increasingly important in attracting offers in the academic job market. Students participate in teacher training activities conducted by the Lundquist College and by the university's Teaching Effectiveness Program. In addition, students are encouraged to observe classes taught by faculty, serve as teaching assistants, and use the resources available in the university's Teaching Effectiveness Program. Students typically teach two or three undergraduate courses a year over the second, third, and fourth years of the program.