Oregon Executive MBA First-Year Courses

The first year of Oregon Executive MBA's curriculum focuses on the core knowledge and skills executives need in order to lead their organizations effectively. Through a variety of dynamic instructional formats, students are challenged to apply their learning to real world situations. You can review current course listings below.

First-Year Curriculum: 35 Credits

Hallmarks of the Oregon Executive MBA first-year curriculum include:

  • Executive Immersion
  • Business Writing
  • Managerial Economics
  • Business Ethics
  • Global Business Environment
  • Financial Accounting
  • Leadership & Motivation
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Marketing Management
  • Data and Business Decisions
  • Operations Management
  • Managing Organizations
  • Financial Analysis
  • Opportunity Recognition
  • Workshops: Global Trip; Capstone Project; New Teams

Course Descriptions

Executive Immersion in Portland and Eugene

Held for four days before the academic year begins, Executive Immersion includes time at the Oregon Executive MBA facility in Portland and and also at the University of Oregon's Lundquist College of Business in Eugene, Oregon. Executive Immersion includes an overview of the program, alumni presentations and team building activities. These intensive four days provide a foundation for the program and accelerate the formation of a supportive, positive learning environment and cohort.    

Business Writing 

This course covers the essentials of clear and concise business writing. Reviews the theory and practice of writing effectively for U.S. and international business audiences, addressing the use of rhetorical, cultural, and organizational analysis to create persuasive business documents.(BA 708, 1 credit) Tina Boscha

Managerial Economics

Examines economic concepts for solving major managerial problems by covering the concepts of cost, demand, rivalry, and competitive advantage. Includes an overview of monetary and fiscal policy impacts on organizations. Typical project: student learning teams compete in a business simulation(BA 715, 3 credits) Glen Waddell

Business Ethics

Studies the derivation of values and their application to individual choices. This course emphasizes the conflict managers experience when choosing between two alternatives. Typical project: student teams address one current dilemma facing managers.(BA 730, 1 credits) Jeff Stolle

Global Business Environment

Explores the strategic and operational issues confronting managers in firms engaged in global business. Guest executives will help integrate fundamental concepts and emerging events and issues in the global economy. The course develops the skills to effectively manage in crosscultural environments. Typical project: student teams analyze how companies respond to the complex challenges of global business.(BA 726, 3 credits) Scott Jenkins

Financial Accounting

An introduction to the reporting system used by businesses to convey financial information to external parties. Primary emphasis is placed on reading, understanding, and using financial reports outputs. Students will learn to prepare, comprehend, and perform basic analysis of financial statements. Typical project: an analysis of the financial statements of the student's organization.    
(BA 712, 3 credits) Kyle Peterson

Leadership and Motivation

This course focuses on essential elements of motivation and leadership as they affect management decision-making and problem-solving. Students will explore competency-based models and participate in self-assessments designed to develop individual motivation and leadership growth plans. Typical project: students create their own leadership development plan. (BA 722, Fall 1 credit, Spring 1 credit) Chuck Kalnbach

Marketing Management

Studies the marketing process from the perspective of the general manager; fundamental marketing concepts are discussed and students develop frameworks to analyze complex marketing opportunities and challenges. Specific topics include market segmentation, targeting, positioning, differentiation, products, brands, pricing, distribution, promotion and global marketing. Typical project: students compete in a marketing simulation and prepare a critique of their organizations" marketing programs.(BA 717, 3 credits) John Davis

Managerial Accounting

Covers the development, presentation, and interpretation of cost information for management decision-making, planning, and control. Typical project: analyze and evaluate a costing system in the student's company and make recommendations for improvement.(BA 714, 3 credits) Sarah E. Nutter

Data and Business Decisions

Integrates statistical tools for analyzing business data and covers process analysis, data collection, regression, statistical control, and forecasting. Typical project: identify opportunities and application of statistical tools in the student's business unit.(BA 713, 3 credits) Glen Waddell

Operations Management

This course examines methods and processes for providing a competitive advantage through continuous quality and process improvements, supplier management, and efficient production of products and services. Key topics include capacity planning, make/buy decisions, production, procurement, and logistics planning. Typical project: participation in an operations management simulation and analysis of supply chain case studies.(BA 727, 3 credits) Nagesh Murthy

Managing and Leading Organizations

Examines management and leadership with an emphasis on effective organizational design for achieving strategic objectives. Emphasizes creating alignment among people, culture, structure, and reward systems to assure high performance. Typical project: analysis of student's organization, structure, and culture as determinants of firm performance.    
(BA 716, 3 credits) David Wagner

Financial Analysis

Focuses on the theories, concepts, and principles of financial analysis. This course includes the analysis of policy problems involved in financing the business corporation, the time value of money, asset valuation models, risk management, financial statement analysis, management of working capital, earnings and dividend determination, business combinations, and business reorganizations. Typical project: students apply financial tools and frameworks to real-world situations.    
(BA 718, 4 credits) Deb Bauer

Opportunity Recognition

Introduces the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, a spirited approach to leadership that involves identifying high-potential opportunities, gathering resources, and managing rapid growth and significant risks through principled decision making.    
(BA 735, 3 credits) Andrew Nelson

Capstone Workshop

Global Trip Workshop

New Teams Workshop

See Second-Year Course Descriptions