Concurrent MBA/MSF

Our concurrent MBA/MS in finance (MSF) degree option enables you to get two degrees in two years, making you that much more marketable.

Whether you are considering an MBA or an MSF, there are advantages to getting both degrees concurrently. Plus, you can focus your MBA specialization in innovation and entrepreneurship, sports business, or sustainable business, gaining access to dedicated industry exposure. The concurrent MBA/MSF allows you to count certain coursework toward both degree programs, reducing the total number of credit hours and courses required to obtain both degrees. You must apply to and be admitted to both the MBA program and the MSF program.

The Oregon MBA
Lillis 145

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Students typically complete the MBA core requirements in the first year, followed in the second year by the MSF requirements and MBA electives. Specific courses required for the MBA degree depend on the chosen specialization area (innovation and entrepreneurship, sports business, sustainable business).

Key Features

  • Earn two degrees in 21 or 23 months
    • 21-month option starts in the fall and would send you straight through both programs without an internship.
    • 23-month option starts in the summer and would allow for an internship.
  • Take six fewer courses than if each degree were earned separately.
  • Work in the United States for up to three years after graduation by adding an MSF to your MBA.*
  • Expand your career options with highly desirable skills.
  • Stand apart in job searches with a unique dual degree.

*MSF is a certified STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) degree, allowing international students a total of 36 months of OPT (Optional Practical Training) under U.S. law.