Oregon MBA News

What goes best with the month of October? Here at the University of Oregon, the answer is fall leaves, Duck football and research.

The upcoming academic year promises to be a period of unprecedented activity and growth for the college.

Assistant professor of management Andrew Nelson traced librarians' evolving attitudes toward the Internet in a forthcoming study.

See what Oregon MBA graduate Amy McCann is doing to make it easier to shop for local foods.

Not all business ideas are created equal. Identifying those that will thrive in the marketplace is a crucial skill for aspiring entrepreneurs.
Students from MBA programs at Nyenrode Business Universiteit traveled to Oregon as part of the University of Oregon-Nyenrode exchange program.
I want to share a simple concept we often don't give its due: Always be open to saying yes.
Embarking on the next phase of their lives, our graduates will bring the knowledge and confidence they've gained from their Lundquist College experiences.
Bulk Handling Systems shared its insights with students about how to find sustainable ways to deal with waste material.

Two teams shared the top spot this April in the Lundquist College's world-renowned investment competition, the New Venture Championship.

Four Oregon MBA students got the chance to work alongside the Willamette Angel Conference's 2013 investors' group.
Making the commitment to stand for something is what defines and builds a community.

At the UO Lundquist College of Business, providing a pipeline of talented, knowledgeable, and dedicated graduates is what we do best--and what sets us apart.

How things have changed in just twenty years. When the Warsaw Sports Marketing Center was founded in 1993, the web was in its infancy.
Nearly $40 million in revenue and more than 270 jobs—that's what University of Oregon-affiliated startups brought to the state in the most recent fiscal year.