Profile picture of Jiao Zhang

Jiao Zhang

Associate Professor of Marketing | Doug McKay Research Scholar

Affiliations: Marketing, Oregon MBA, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-8521
Office: Lillis 487


Degree History:
  • PhD, University of Chicago, 2006

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Areas of Expertise

Research Interests:

  • Affective forecasting
  • Consumer choice
  • Intertemporal preference
  • Judgment and decision-making
  • Risk preference
  • Charitable donations and cause-related marketing

Teaching Experience:

  • The behavioral decision theory approach to consumer research (PhD)
  • International marketing (undergraduate)
  • Marketing research (undergraduate)
  • Principles of marketing (undergraduate)

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Current Projects

  • Buechel, Eva, Carey Morewedge, and Jiao Zhang. "Affective Return of Effort is Overestimated." Journal of Consumer Research.

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Journal Articles:

Wang, Cindy Xin, and Jiao Zhang. "Assertive Ads for Want or Should? It Depends on Consumers' Power." Journal of Consumer Psychology 30, no. 3: 466-485.

July 2020

Wang, Xin, Elizabeth A. Minton, and Jiao Zhang. "Sense of Power: Policy Insights for Encouraging Consumers' Healthy Food Choice." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 39, no. 2: 188-204.

April 2020

Buechel, Eva C., Jiao Zhang, and Carey K. Morewedge. "Impact Bias or Underestimation? Outcome Specifications Predict the Direction of Affective Forecasting Errors." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 146, no. 5: 746-761.

May 2017

Fajardo, Tatiana M., Jiao Zhang, and Michael Tsiros. "The Contingent Nature of the Symbolic Associations of Visual Elements: The Case of Brand Logo Frames." Journal of Consumer Research 43, no. 4: 549-566.

December 2016

Sevilla, Julio, Jiao Zhang, and Barbara E. Kahn. "Anticipation of Future Variety Reduces Satiation from Current Experiences." Journal of Marketing Research 53, no. 6: 954-968.

December 2016

Buechel, Eva C., Jiao Zhang, Carey K. Morewedge, and Joachim Vosgerau. "More Intense Experiences, Less Intense Forecasts: Why People Overweight Probability Specifications in Affective Forecasts." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 106, no. 1: 20-36.

January 2014

Hsee, Christopher K., Jiao Zhang, Zoe Y. Lu, and Fei Xu. "Unit Asking: A Method to Boost Donations and Beyond." Psychological Science 24, no. 9: 1801-1808.

September 2013

Hsee, Christopher K., Jiao Zhang, Cindy F. Cai, and Shirley Zhang. "Overearning." Psychological Science 24, no. 6: 852-859.

June 2013

Hsee, Christopher K., Jiao Zhang, Liangyan Wang, and Shirley Zhang. "Magnitude, Time, and Risk Differ Similarly between Joint and Single Evaluations." Journal of Consumer Research 40, no. 1: 172-184.

June 2013
Book Chapters:

Zhang, Jiao. "Joint Vs. Separate Modes of Evaluation: Theory and Practice." In Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making, edited by Gideon Keren and George Wu, 213-238. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

February 2016

In the News

In preparation for the upcoming 2018-2019 school year, the Lundquist College of Business is proud to announce its upcoming faculty promotions and named appointments.

Incredible student accomplishments, outstanding faculty research, a major gift from alumni, and more.

The Lundquist College of Business is pleased to share recent tenure and promotion decisions for our faculty members.

Several key Lundquist College initiatives are now coming to full fruition.

Would knowing you will be offered a variety in the future make a current experience better? According to research from assistant professor of marketing Jiao Zhang and coauthors, the answer is “yes.”

A new sports product program in Portland, targeted options for career experience opportunities, the greatest giving campaign in the history of the university, and more.

Six new tenure-track faculty joined the college this fall and, as in years past, bring a wealth of expertise and promote even greater excellence in teaching and research.