
The University of Oregon and other campuses are upping their game to meet student demand.
Sports Product Management technology lead David Nadbornik has created an online classroom for the program's students.
The NBA’s decision to suspend the season due to coronavirus marked a turning point.
The Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship continues to execute its core mission: inspiring, educating, and supporting entrepreneurs across campus.
Top student concepts earned $10,000 on March 10 during a business idea competition known as the Provost’s Innovation Challenge.
Management professor Ralph Heidl seeks to understand how enterprising firms and individuals work together to create and use new technological resources.
The Warsaw Sports Marketing Center hosted Warsaw Watch, a virtual WNBA draft party, to promote and support the Oregon Women’s Basketball players entering the 2020 WNBA draft.
Lundquist College students had the opportunity to assess the sustainability impact of Riff Cold Brewed's Alter Ego.
A panel of athletes joined the Sports Product Management program and shared their thoughts on the postponement of the Olympics and other topics.
Marketing professor Troy Campbell shares how his research on “solution aversion” is reflected in the variety of reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Information for students, faculty, and staff of the UO's Portland-based Sports Product Management program.
Information for students, faculty, and staff of the UO's Portland-based MBA program for experienced professionals.
The back of a person taking a photograph.
Lundquist College of Business faculty share a message of encouragement and resilience with students.
Management professor Alan Meyer's research on hospital workers' response to Ebola in Australia can be applied to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Two Sports Product Design students are working to make bike and scooter-sharing services safer.