Department of Management

Head, Department of Management | Associate Professor of Management | Doug McKay Research Scholar

Affiliations: Management, Center for Sustainable Business Practices, Oregon MBA, Oregon Executive MBA, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-3413
Office: Lillis 473

Professor of Management | Randall C. Papé Chair in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Affiliations: Management, Center for Sustainable Business Practices, Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship, Oregon MBA, Oregon Executive MBA
Phone: 541-346-1569
Office: Anstett 393C

Carolyn S. Chambers Professor of Management

Affiliations: Management, Oregon MBA, Oregon Executive MBA, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-3497
Office: Lillis 471

Associate Professor of Management | Inman Research Scholar | Coordinator, Management PhD Program

Affiliations: Management, Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship, Oregon Executive MBA, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-3586
Office: Anstett 393F

Associate Professor of Management | Inman Research Scholar

Affiliations: Management, Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-3140
Office: Anstett 397B

Associate Professor of Management

Affiliations: Management, Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship
Phone: 541-346-4855
Office: Anstett 397C

Associate Professor of Management | Inman Research Scholar

Affiliations: Management, Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship, Oregon Executive MBA, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-7318
Office: Anstett 393B

Assistant Professor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Lillis 464

Assistant Professor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 398D

Assistant Professor of Management

Affiliations: Management, Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship
Phone: 541-346-3318
Office: Anstett 398C

Assistant Professor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 397A

Assistant Professor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Lillis 474

Professor of Practice

Affiliations: Finance, Management
Office: Lillis 250D

Director, Center for Sustainable Business Practices | Professor of Practice

Affiliations: Management, Center for Sustainable Business Practices, Oregon MBA, Oregon Executive MBA
Phone: 541-346-7568
Office: Lillis 455A

Senior Instructor II of Business

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-3028
Office: Johnson 1H

Bashaw Senior Instructor II of Management

Affiliations: Management, Oregon Executive MBA, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-1494
Office: Lillis 428

Senior Instructor I

Affiliations: Management, Oregon MBA, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-4659
Office: Lillis 464

Senior Instructor I of Management

Affiliations: Management, Oregon Executive MBA
Phone: 541-346-0056
Office: Lillis 433

Senior Instructor I of Management

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-7567
Office: Lillis 462

Peter and Molly Powell Senior Instructor I of Management

Affiliations: Management, Oregon Executive MBA
Phone: 541-346-7569
Office: Peterson 208C

Senior Instructor I of Business

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-3398
Office: Lillis 250D

Senior Instructor I of Management

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-3294
Office: Lillis 460

Senior Instructor I of Management

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-7572
Office: Anstett 398A

Senior Instructor I

Affiliations: Management, Sports Product Management, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-3349
Office: Anstett 198C

Senior Instructor I of Management | Academic Director and Industry Mentor, Center for Sustainable Business Practices

Affiliations: Management, Center for Sustainable Business Practices, Oregon MBA, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-9060
Office: Anstett 298B

Instructor of Management | Adjunct Professor of Environmental Studies

Affiliations: Management, Center for Sustainable Business Practices, Legal Studies, Oregon MBA
Phone: 541-346-9196
Office: Anstett 197

Director, Business Honors Program | Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-7571
Office: Peterson 208B

Instructor of Sustainable Business Practices

Affiliations: Management, Center for Sustainable Business Practices
Office: Lillis 466

Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management, Master of Accounting, Oregon MBA, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-1610
Office: Lillis 436

Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-0514
Office: Anstett 298C

Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-0880
Office: Lillis 250D

Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-9833
Office: Lillis 438

Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-9314
Office: Lillis 470

Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-9244
Office: Anstett 198B

Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-8349
Office: Lillis 470

Pro Tem Instructor

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 293

Pro Tem Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 293

Pro Tem Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-9086
Office: Anstett 292A

Pro Tem Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-8665
Office: Anstett 293

Pro Tem Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 197

Pro Tem Instructor

Affiliations: Management
Office: Lillis 433

Pro Tem Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 197

Pro Tem Instructor

Affiliations: Management

Pro Tem Instructor of Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 291C

Professor Emerit of Management

Affiliations: Management, Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship
Phone: 541-346-5178
Office: Anstett 397D

Professor Emerit of Management

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-3307
Office: Anstett 293

Professor Emerit of Sustainable Management

Affiliations: Management, Center for Sustainable Business Practices
Phone: 541-346-5182
Office: Lillis 480

Courtesy Professor in Residence

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-0751
Office: Anstett 397D

Professor Emerit of Management

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-3354

Emerit Senior Instructor II

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-1493
Office: Lillis 250D

Emerit Senior Instructor II of Management

Affiliations: Management, Oregon Executive MBA
Phone: 541-346-6164
Office: Lillis 430

PhD Student, Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Chiles 292A

PhD Candidate, Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 292A

PhD Candidate, Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 293

PhD Student, Management

Affiliations: Management
Phone: 541-346-8886
Office: Anstett 292A

PhD Student, Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 292A

PhD Student, Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 292A

PhD Candidate, Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 292A

PhD Student, Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 292A

PhD Student, Management

Affiliations: Management
Office: Anstett 292A