Accessing Tutoring

Tutoring is available both in-person in Lillis 240 and online via Zoom. To ensure you are able to get help efficiently, come organized and prepared with specific questions for tutors, only after reviewing course materials and attempting to complete your assignments.

While most tutoring is available on a drop-in basis, tutoring for some courses is only available by appointment. Consult the tutoring schedule for more information.

View Tutoring Schedule

Preparing for a Tutoring Session

You will have a better experience when you get help at Braddock if you:

  • Come prepared. Attend all class sessions and take notes, review your notes and assigned readings, and earnestly attempt or do your homework in advance.
  • Plan ahead before midterms/finals or homework is due. Seeking help in the last minute is not advisable.
  • Prepare questions and/or goals you want to achieve, so you can efficiently get assistance.
  • Bring your course syllabus, textbook, handouts, notes, stationery, and other necessary materials.
  • Use your course materials to try to solve problems on your own, or work with a peer(s), before asking a tutor for assistance.
  • Have patience, a positive attitude, and willingness to put in effort to learn a subject and do well in a course.

When getting help at Braddock:

  • Students less prepared may be asked to work on their own outside the tutoring suite, then return to get efficient assistance with specific questions.
  • Students taking the same course may receive assistance together from one tutor.

Attend a Drop-in Tutoring Session

Before attending a drop-in tutoring session, make sure to attend and watch lectures, review course concepts, and work through your homework or practice problems in order to organize the questions you need to clarify with a tutor.

In-Person Drop-in Tutoring

During fall, winter, and spring terms, in-person, drop-in tutoring is available in Lillis 240. For hours of operation and available subjects and courses, consult the tutoring schedule.

Virtual Drop-in Tutoring

To access tutoring assistance on Zoom:

  1. Check the schedule to make sure a tutor is available at the time you sign in for help.
  2. To ensure you and tutors can use the annotate function in Zoom to show your work, use a computer, tablet, or smartphone with audio and video capability to download the Zoom client app. (NOTE: Chromebooks do not support the Zoom functions that we use to tutor.)
  3. Navigate to the Braddock Tutoring Zoom session and sign in with your UO email address and password:
    1. If you have the Zoom client already installed, your browser may first present you with a pop-up asking if you'd like to open the link with the Zoom Meetings application. Select "Open Link" if you wish to open the application immediately. Selecting "Cancel" will simply return you to the meeting landing page, from which you can select the "Launch Meeting" button or "Join from Your Browser" link to continue. (View screenshot)
    2. On the pop-up that appears, click "Sign in to Join." (View screenshot)
    3. If you are not already logged into Zoom, you will be prompted to log in. Click the "SSO" icon at the bottom of the sign in screen and enter "" (View screenshot)
    4. On the next page, log in with your Duck ID and password. (View screenshot)
  4. Front desk staff will connect you with a tutor when they are available.

Make a Tutoring Appointment

Appointments are available to schedule same-day only. One tutoring appointment session per course can be scheduled each day. For assistance, visit the front desk in Lillis 240 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday.

To make an appointment:

  1. Access Navigate via the app or desktop platform (starting at 10:00 a.m.)
  2. Log in with your Duck ID
  3. Click "Appointments," then "Schedule an Appointment"
  4. When asked to select a college or department, choose "Tutoring and Academic Support"
  5. When asked to select an appointment topic, scroll to the "Braddock Tutoring (Business School)" options, and choose either 30-, 45-, or 60-minute tutoring session for the course for which you are seeking help
    Note: These options will only appear for you if you are currently enrolled in a course for which we provide tutoring
  6. Under the "Pick a Date" drop-down menu, select the current date then click "Find an Available Time"
  7. Under "Please select one of the courses below to see available times at this location," click the course link to view all open appointments for the current day
  8. Select a time slot to schedule your appointment
  9. Add any additional comments
  10. Indicate if you would like text or email reminders, and input or verify your phone number as needed
  11. Select "Confirm Appointment"
  12. Check your UO email account for confirmation and additional details.

Appointment cancellations or reschedules must be submitted via Navigate before an appointment start time. To cancel your appointment:

  1. Access Navigate via the app or desktop platform
  2. Log in with your Duck ID
  3. Go to "Appointments"
  4. Click "Cancel Appointment"

Students with three no-shows will not able to make further appointments until they meet with the business learning specialist. The following are considered no-shows:

  1. Not arriving within 15 minutes of an appointment start time
  2. Missing an appointment without canceling via Navigate prior to the appointment start time

Get Writing Feedback Online

In addition to receiving writing support during in-person or virtual drop-in hours, students can also submit their writing for feedback. Feedback will typically be given by the end of the following weekday. Submit a request online by following these steps:

  1. Check your due date to ensure sufficient review and revision time
  2. Navigate to the feedback request form and log in with your Duck ID and password
  3. Select your course from the drop-down list and enter the assignment name
  4. Provide guiding information such as context for the assignment, questions you have about your draft, and types of feedback that would be most useful
  5. Upload the assignment instructions and your draft (.pdf files only)
  6. Anticipate feedback via email by the end of the following weekday
  7. Revise and repeat as needed!

If you have questions, suggestions, or feedback about writing support, email