Career Outcomes

Our Ducks Are Flying to New Heights

Lundquist College alumni attain high-powered positions at leading companies, launch disruptive startups, and bring their in-demand skills and expertise to a diverse range of business sectors.

The data below is a general overview of outcomes. An in-depth analysis of the outcomes of Eugene-based degree programs by industry and disciplines is available via Mohr Career Services.

Explore In-Depth Career Outcome Data

90% of Lundquist College graduates achieved a positive career outcome within the first six months following graduation.

Career Outcomes by Program



Working full-time: 65.5%
Working part-time: 3.7%
Continuing education: 15.1%
Starting a business: 0.9%
Still looking: 14.7%




Working full-time: 79.5%
Working part-time: 0.4%
Continuing education: 1.7%
Starting a business: 3.8%
Still looking: 14.1%


Master of Accounting


Working full-time: 94.1%
Continuing education: 0.8%
Starting a business: 0.8%
Still looking: 4.2%


MS in Finance


Working full-time: 86.5%
Working part-time: 1%
Continuing education: 2.1%
Starting a business: 1%
Still looking: 9.4%

MS in Sports Product Management


Overall graduates with jobs in the sports and outdoor product industry

The career outcomes shared on this page are calculated based on data collected from students graduating June 2019–June 2022, and up to six months after they have graduated. This "first destination data" is collected by various units at the University of Oregon and is in accordance with national standards.

Career outcomes and career goals differ for our Oregon Executive MBA program, which is designed for working professionals, and PhD program, designed for academic careers. Learn more about those from the respective programs.

Explore In-Depth Career Outcome Data

Average Salaries

Master of Accounting
MS in Finance

These salaries are the averages of those reported by students who graduated in June 2022.

Top Industries Employing Our Graduates

Icon of a piggy bank
Icon of a microscope
Technology and Science
Icon of a bar chart
Financial Services
Icon of a financial chart on a projector screen
Marketing, Advertising, and PR
Icon of a house
Real Estate
Icon of a person running with circles around the body's main joints
Sports Teams and Leagues
Icon of an apple and a carrot
Food and Beverage
Icon of a shopping cart
Icon of three gears
Icon of two hands shaking
Icon of a heart with an electrocardiogram line through it
Icon of three books standing up with one tilted to the right, leaning against the other two books

Industry Connections

Our Ducks go on to accomplish amazing things at top-notch companies.

Explore Employers

Startup Success Stories

The UO and Lundquist College are home to a multitude of first-rate startup companies.

Read Their Stories