As executive director of events at Rose Bowl Stadium, Julia Goldstein ’12 leads a team that produces events ranging from music concerts to the Rose Bowl game itself.
Ericka Warren BA ’92, MBA ’19 is the recipient of the UO Alumni Association's 2024 Jeanne Johnson Alumni Service Award. Warren, the founding president of the UO Black Alumni Networ, has tirelessly gone above and beyond to strengthen ties between alumni and the university.
A student research project has evolved into ClearMark Biosciences, a promising startup with significant potential—thanks to some help from the Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship.
Dean Bruce Blonigen highlights our expanded efforts to engage alumni, talks with our new alumni and industry engagement team, and shares how you can partner with us to exponentially elevate the student experience.
Business Ducks are leveraging our new Professional Edge program, gaining cutting-edge skills essential for the modern job market. See how students and industry partners are achieving tangible results.
We've invested $60 million in the buildout of our new home in northeast Portland. Take a tour with us through the sparkling student and event spaces, dining options, labs, and more.
Immerse yourself in the latest online experience from the Lundquist College as we tell the stories of our business Ducks, amazing faculty, and graduates doing great things.
As senior designer at Van Horne Brands alongside his father Todd, Quinn Van Horne ’21, MBA ’24 is carrying a family legacy forward with his own highly personal designs.
The University of Oregon remembers Charles M. "Chuck" Lillis, an alumnus, trustee, and businessman who has left an indelible mark on the institution he loved through his unparalleled generosity, leadership, and vision.
Professional Edge, one of the Lundquist College's more recent—and impactful—differentiating programs, provides a launchpad for career-minded students, with an evolving list of tools and teachings that ready the participant for the modern job market.
From the track-and-field trials to sponsorships and activations, Lundqusit College students and alumni helped make the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics memorable.