
Bruce Blonigen sitting on the edge of a planter with Peterson Hall in the background
Bruce Blonigen
Edward Maletis Dean

Bruce Blonigen is dean of the University of Oregon's flagship business college.

During his more than 25 years with the UO, he has served as department head in economics, associate dean for social sciences, dean for faculty and operations in the College of Arts and Sciences, and interim dean of the Lundquist College of Business. Bruce most recently served as Tykeson Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. His research focus is on trade policy and foreign direct investment.

Bruce was also the first in his family to earn a college degree and is passionate about student success. He is cofounder of the UO SAIL (Summer Academy to Inspire Learning) program, which inspires middle and high school students from low socioeconomic, first-generation, and underrepresented backgrounds to pursue, enroll, and succeed in higher education. "I am excited to build on the momentum at the Lundquist College of Business. We will continue to relentlessly focus on our strategic priorities of student success; preparing well-educated, career-ready graduates; and becoming the top destination for business education on the West Coast."

View Dean Blonigen's Profile

Degrees and Highlights

  • PhD, MA, Economics, University of California, Davis
  • BA, Economics, German, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minnesota
  • National Science Foundation Grant for "The Long-run Relationship Between Trade and the Growth of Cities," 2019–2022
  • Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2002–present
  • Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2017–present
  • External Fellow, Leverhulme Centre for Globalisation and Economic Policy University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2002–present

Lundquist College Strategic Plan

Great business schools do many things, and we continue to invest in and grow all of our programs—at all levels—by leveraging our competitive strengths. Our strategic plan is focused in this regard in three areas:

  • Positioning our undergraduate programs, specialized master's, and unique 3+1 pathways to set us apart
  • Exposing students to the best faculty through great teaching and research that transforms society
  • Delivering amazing hands-on learning experiences that prepare well-educated, career-ready graduates who are armed with professional experience and an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset.

Explore Strategic Plan (Internal Users Only)

Lundquist Advisory Groups

To help achieve its ambition of attaining national and international recognition for excellence in business education, the Lundquist College of Business maintains connections with the business world, alumni, and industry through advisory groups.

Photo of the board of advisors group from 2023 standing in two rows facing the camera while on the fourth floor landing of the Lillis Business Complex atrium, with the photovolatic cells embedded in the buildings south class wall visibile in the background.
  • The Board of Advisors is comprised of senior business leaders with national stature who advise the dean in matters of strategy and future directions.
  • Forty Under 40 Advisory Board members are young Lundquist College alumni who support the college by sharing their student and professional experiences and provide strategic advice with the dean.
  • The Warsaw Industry Advisory Board helps is closely tied to the sports industry and helps shape program content and opportunities for students involved in the college's Warsaw Sports Business Center.

Leadership Team

Angela Davis
Senior Associate Dean, Academic Programs | Jack O. Rickli Professor of Business
Dane Christensen
Senior Associate Dean, Faculty and Research | Professor of Accounting | Scharpf-Knight Chair in Accounting
Default faculty image
Associate Dean, Finance and Administration
Collette Niland
Associate Dean, Advising and Student Experience
Caitlin Biddulph
Director, Lundquist Admissionsm
Jennifer Welander
Interim Director, Master of Accounting Program | Instructor of Accounting
Jennifer Nolfi
Director, Sports Product Management Program
Rachel Todd
Director, Oregon Executive MBA
Ryan Rahinel
Director, PhD Program | Associate Professor of Marketing | Judy and Hugh Oliphant Research Scholar 
Headshot of Gene Rhee
Executive Director, Mohr Career Services | Industry and Alumni Engagement
Kurt Zimmerman
Executive Director, Development and External Relations
Jim Engelhardt
Senior Director, Strategic Communications

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