Marketing Research Talks

The Department of Marketing invites leading researchers to the University of Oregon to present and discuss their research.

Past Presenters

Sharon Betty: You Want Me to Do WHAT? Customer Special Requests Investigated

Abishek Borah: Advertising, Online Search, and Firm Risk

Aaron Charlton: Brand Latitude

Christopher Chavez: Branding the Revolution: Havana Club and the Battle for Cuban Authenticity

Dane Christensen: The Influence of CEO Risk Tolerance on Initial Pay Packages and Strategic Change

Gulcan Cil: Effects of Posted Point-of-Sale Warnings on Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy and on Birth Outcomes

John Clithero: Neural Mechanisms

Paul Connell: Variety

Sokiente Dagogo-jack: Variability in Pricing

Darren Dahl: Creativity

Paula Fitzgerald: Public Policy and Marketing

Linda Hagan: Psychology of Food

Ben Hansen: Economics of Marijuana

Ralph Heidl: Wearable Sensors and Dynamic Networks

Keith Levitt: Manager Psychology

Ed Love: Morality in the Marketplace

Peter McGraw: Psychology of Movie Editing

Noelle Nelson: Presentation Style on Online Reviews

Linda Price: The Fresh Start Mindset

Brandon Reich: Who Deserves Faulty Products? How Blaming the Victim Prevents Consumer Punitive Action

Jeffrey Robert Parker: Mental Representation

Gerard Saucier: Structural Model of Personality

Jacob Suher: In Store Purchases

Meredith Thomas: Buying Community

David Wagner: Fake Smiles and Workplace

Caleb Warren and Nooshin Warren: Ironic Consumption; Innovation and Its Stock Market Valuation: The Role of the Marketing Expertise of the CEO

Tiffany White: Self-Threat and Brands

Wenbo Wu: Learning Heterogeneity in Causal Inference Using Sufficient Dimension Reduction


For more information on marketing research talks, or to discuss being a part of future talks, contact John Clithero at or Noelle Nelson at

Marketing Research Symposium

The Department of Marketing also hosts a research symposium which aims to bridge marketing and consumer scholars in Oregon and beyond. Its goal is to enable its participants to share scholarship and build connections.

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