Your Success is Our Success
That's why we provide dedicated student support services to help you make the most of your education and land a great job.
Meet with advisors in-person or remotely to create a plan tailored to your interests. Visit Braddock Tutoring for academic support just for business students. Discover tools to make connections and help shape your career before you even graduate. Whatever the challenge, the college has dedicated resources and tools to help you be successful every step of the way and take your business education to the next level.

The Lundquist College has a team of dedicated advisors and peer advisors ready to help create your academic plan that optimizes your experience at the college. Make an appointment to get assistance with calculating GPAs, explaining pre-business requirements, a better understanding of the courses and workload, and more.

Braddock Tutoring
Braddock Tutoring at the Lundquist College of Business provides tutoring and mentoring to undergraduate business or pre-business students seeking academic assistance. Appointments are available in-person or virtually.
What's it like to be a Duck?
Find out what it's like to be a student at the Lundquist College by attending an info session or talking with a current student. Learn about our dedicated advisors, tutors, career resources, and more.
Technology Support
The computing facilities and information technology and instructional support staff at the Lundquist College of Business are focused on enhancing the learning experience of students. The college offers a full range of UO software licenses from the service portal, tech support including campuswide remote services and learning platforms, and both on-site and virtual computer labs.

Apply to graduate and stay on top of the latest requirements and deadlines for commencement.
Additional Resources
The University of Oregon provides a wealth of resources to graduate and undergraduate students in both Eugene and Portland—whether it's registering for classes, mental health and wellness resources, or study abroad programs.