According to new research by marketing professors Conor Henderson, Joshua Beck, and their coauthor, there is untapped potential in out-of-market “isolated” fans.
On May 10, 2018, as part of the Fred P. Thompson Lecture Series, a panel of experts discussed how trade policies work and the possible consequences of recent major changes in U.S. trade policy.
Sports fans who engage with other fans they’ve never met at a sporting event tend to remember the sponsors and want to attend again, marketing researchers found.
Molly Malone, former vice president of sales for Kroger, defines professionalism as a refined sense of tenacity and discusses the power of the B student.
The podcast welcomes Henry Abbot, who founded the NBA blog TrueHoop in 2005 after a decade as an award-winning journalist. ESPN acquired TrueHoop two years later, and he became ESPN’s first blogger.
Mike Belcher, vice president of marketing business development and partnerships at T-Mobile, provides great insights into sponsorship strategy and evaluation.