It's been busier than usual around the Lundquist College, with the first significant renovation to Gilbert Hall (to be reborn Anstett Hall) since 1920 beginning this week and the Chiles Center set for a remodel this summer. Find out what's in store in this video with Dean Dennis Howard.
Professor Mike Russo was studying and teaching green business long before it was cool. So no surprise, Russo spent February 18-19 at Syracuse University as the first-ever Fetner Visiting Sustainability Leader, sharing his groundbreaking research and insights from his new book, Companies on a Mission, a must-read about balancing social and environmental conscience with profits. Center for Sustainable Business Practices
The UO Women in Business club has received rave reviews for its fifth annual gala, hosted in the Lillis Complex on February 17. "Pairing students with professionals one-on-one allows for an interpersonal experience to help guide young women and expose them to the workforce," said club president Lindsay Nelson.
Meeting with students, Bill Walton quoted Bob Dylan, referenced The Grateful Dead, and discussed the changing sports market and the influence of coach John Wooden.
"This reflects our long history of delivering the very best learning experience for our participants," noted Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship Director Terry Sebastian after Forbes named the center's New Venture Championship one of fifteen "Big Small-Business Contests." This year's competition begins April 8 in Portland. Read the Forbes Article. See the NVC Website.
He's the executive vice president and general manager of the New Orleans Saints. He led the organization through the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and hired coach Payton, who led it to its first-ever Super Bowl victory. Mickey Loomis "79 earned a degree in accounting here, before studying physical education and sports administration at Wichita State. Read his Profile
Remembered with fondness, the college's long-time graduate student services manager passed away on November 7. Sue Sullivan was a beacon of unflinchng support, loyal assistance, and motherly concern for Ph.D., MBA, and MAcc students dating back to the 1980s. A family-only memorial service will take place this summer.
Ben Schuman '03 was a founding member of the UO Investment Group, laying the foundation for the student-run organization whose portfolios consistently outperform the market.
Inspiring undergraduates, advancing the college's research culture, mentoring Ph.D. candidates, and garnering high-level media coverage--that's what sets accounting professor Steve Matsunaga apart. And it's why the college honored him as the 2010 Thomas C. Stewart Distinguished Professor, an award recognizing stellar scholars whose accomplishments lead to world-class distinction.
Warsaw Sports Marketing Center students just returned from the annual trek to New York City to meet a who's who of industry leaders--including reps from the NBA, ESPN, IMG, NBC Sports, and more.