
Students experienced many facets of Oregon’s vibrant startup culture during a trip to the 2014 Bend Venture Conference.
A new Career Services initiative addresses the career development needs of the college’s international prebusiness students.
This fall's New Majors Convocation and Celebration honored the achievement of our latest crop of undergraduates to achieve full major status.
The back of a person taking a photograph.
With a proposed master of science degree program nearing approval, momentum just keeps growing for the University of Oregon's sports product management efforts.
The back of a person taking a photograph.
Six new tenure-track faculty joined the college this fall and, as in years past, bring a wealth of expertise and promote even greater excellence in teaching and research.
Thanks to a new destination on the annual study tour's itinerary, Oregon MBA students experienced even more of the region.
Approximately 300 business-oriented students have the opportunity to build strong connections as residents of our new College of Business Residential Community.

A wide range of prestigious summer internships took Oregon MBA students all over the United States and even further afield.

University of Oregon Investment Group (UOIG) members gained an insider's perspective on what it's like to work and live in one of the world's top financial centers.

Oregon entrepreneurs have a powerful new resource to help them find the sources of funding that best fit where their companies are in the startup process.

First- and second-year Oregon Executive MBA students kicked off the academic year with a few days on the Lundquist College's Eugene campus.

Lundquist College of Business students will manage a new UO Foundation fund that invests in the region's emerging businesses.

The announcement of a brand new Portland home for our expanded programs became even more special with the surprise announcement of a gift pledge from Mark Edlen '75, MBA '76.
In September 2016, a new building in Portland will house the college's Oregon Executive MBA and Sports Product Management programs.
As it welcomes its thirtieth class and offers a convenient new option for Central Oregon professionals, the Oregon Executive MBA program has plenty to cheer about.