
Reinvigorating an exchange program, changing lives in China, Eugene, and beyond, untangling patent thickets, and more.

Global leaders are working on the right issues and a healthy, open debate involving the public and private sector finally has begun.
Senior instructor of finance Deb Bauer is the new director of the Lundquist College of Business Honors Program.
The back of a person taking a photograph.
Five new faculty members started at the Lundquist College of Business this fall.
Associate professor of management Rosemarie Ziedonis briefs European officials on the strategic value of patents.

For the seventh year running, the college's Engaging Asia initiative provided a group of second-year Oregon MBA students with the opportunity to explore the sights, sounds, and business practices of another continent. The first stop on the itinerary was Shanghai, where a visit to the Wieden+Kennedy office and a zippy bus ride (yes, a bus ride) around the city's Formula 1 racetrack were among the many activities.

Associate professor of management Anne Parmigiani found a fruitful setting for investigating why some firms innovate differently than others.

At the Lundquist College of Business, innovation has been a core value from our very earliest days. Most recently, this pioneering instinct has led to the creation of the Business Innovation Institute, the new framework for the Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship (LCE) and the Center for Sustainable Business Practices (CSBP).

One of our biggest summer successes was certainly the relaunch of the University of Oregon-Nyenrode Business Universiteit partnership.
Thanks to the rise of social media and the Internet, there now exists a virtual gathering spot for just about every group.
Don Upson may have stepped down from his position at the Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship (LCE) this past June, but that doesn't mean he's been taking it easy.

Dave Petrone '66, MBA '68, was one of two who received the University of Oregon's 2012 Pioneer Award at an awards ceremony and gala held at the Nines Hotel in Portland in May. Known throughout the UO for his extraordinary support of a wide range of schools and departments--not to mention his successful chairing of the university's Oregon Campaign from 1992 through 1998--Petrone has also had a profound impact on one of the Lundquist College's signature programs, the Warsaw Sports Marketing Center.

This June, the Warsaw Sport Marketing Center hosted its new research conference.

They say you get what you pay for. But when it comes to picking investments for your retirement account, this wisdom may not always hold true, according to a recent study by Lundquist College of Business associate professor of finance John Chalmers and his coauthor Jonathan Reuter, assistant professor of finance at Boston College.

We were thrilled to see that the Oregon MBA was one of only nineteen programs to attain a rating of at least 4.5 out of five in environmental sustainability in Net Impact's Business as UNusual report, the global nonprofit's annual guide to MBA programs at the forefront of social and environmental innovation. Making this accomplishment even sweeter was the news that--for the second year running--UO Net Impact achieved the elite Gold Chapter status.