Nagesh Murthy
Roger Engemann Professor of Operations and Business Analytics | Stewart Distinguished Faculty
Kim, Hyojeong, Nagesh N. Murthy, Anurag Agarwal,, and Kwangtae Park. "Protecting Workers from Rude Customers to Enhance Organizational Identification in Emotional Labor Environments: A Study with Call Center Agents." Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.
Aydinliyim, Tolga, Eren B. Çil, and Nagesh N. Murthy. "Input Material Reduction Incentives Vs. Scrap Recycling for Closed-Loop Supply Chains." Production and Operations Management 32, no. 10: 3328-3346.
Gupta, Sushil, Hossein Rikhtehgar Berenji, Manish Shukla, and Nagesh N. Murthy. "Opportunities in Farming Research from an Operations Management Perspective." Production and Operations Management 36, no. 6: 1577-1596.
Murthy, Nagesh N., Haikady N. Nagaraja, and Hossein Rikhtehgar Berenji. "Managing Concurrency in Cyclical Projects under Stochastic Task Environments: Vaccine Development Projects during Pandemics." Production and Operations Management 32, no. 3: 951-971.
Hu, Xing, Zhixi Wan, and Nagesh N. Murthy. "Dynamic Pricing of Limited Inventory with Product Returns." Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 21, no. 3: 501-518.
Hanson, Sara, Lan Jiang, Jun Ye, and Nagesh N. Murthy. "Society or the Environment? Understanding How Consumers Evaluate Brand Messages About Corporate Social Responsibility Activities." Journal of Brand Management 26, no. 1: 21-34.
Aydinliyim, Tolga, and Nagesh. N. Murthy. "Managing Engineering Design for Competitive Sourcing in Closed-Loop Supply Chains." Decision Sciences 47, no. 2: 257-297.
Geismar, H. Neil, and Nagesh N. Murthy. "Balancing Production and Distribution in Paper Manufacturing." Production and Operations Management 24, no. 7: 1164-1178.
Murthy, Nagesh N., Goutam N. Challagalla, Leslie H. Vinvent, and Tasadduz A. Shervani. "The Impact of Simulation Training on Call Center Agent Performance: A Field-Based Investigation." Management Science 54, no. 2: 384-399.
Murthy, Nagesh N., Milind Shrikhande, and Ajay Subramanian. "Switching Costs, Dynamic Uncertainty, and Buyer-Seller Relationships." Naval Research Logistics 54, no. 8: 859-873.
Swafford, Patricia M., Soumen Ghosh, and Nagesh Murthy. "The Antecedents of Supply Chain Agility of a Firm: Scale Development and Model Testing." Journal of Operations Management 24, no. 2: 170-188.
Baker, Tim, and Nagesh N. Murthy. "Viability of Auction-Based Revenue Management in Sequential Markets." Decision Sciences 36, no. 2: 259-286.
Murthy, Nagesh N., Samit Soni, and Soumen Ghosh. "A Framework for Facilitating Sourcing and Allocation Decisions for Make-to-Order Items." Decision Sciences 35, no. 4: 609-637.
Murthy, Nagesh N., W.C. Benton, and Paul A. Rubin. "Offsetting Inventory Cycles of Items Sharing Storage." European Journal of Operational Research 150, no. 2: 304-319.
Baker, Tim, and Nagesh N. Murthy. "A Framework for Estimating Benefits of Using Auctions in Revenue Management." Decision Sciences 33, no. 3: 385-407.
Baker, Tim, Nagesh N. Murthy, Vaidyanathan Jayaraman. "Service Package Switching in Hotel Revenue Management Systems." Decision Sciences 33, no. 1: 109-132.