In preparation for the upcoming 2018-2019 school year, the Lundquist College of Business is proud to announce its upcoming faculty promotions and named appointments.

Zhibin (Ben) Yang
Associate Professor of Operations and Business Analytics | Edwin E. and June Woldt Cone Research Scholar
Guan, Huiqi, Zhibin Yang, and Haresh Gurnani. "Value of Information with Manufacturer Encroachment." Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.
Wu, Wenbo, Jiaqi Chen, Zhibin (Ben) Yang, and Michael L. Tindall. "A Cross-Sectional Machine Learning Approach for Hedge Fund Return Prediction and Selection." Management Science 67, no. 7: 3985-4642.
Yang, Zhibin, Xinxin Hu, Haresh Gurnani, and Huiqi Guan. "Multichannel Distribution Strategy: Selling to a Competing Buyer with Limited Supplier Capacity." Management Science 64, no. 5: 2199-2218.
Yang, Zhibin, and Volodymyr Babich. "Does a Procurement Service Provider Generate Value for the Buyer through Information about Supply Risks?" Management Science 61, no. 5: 979-998.
Yang, Zhibin, Goker Aydin, Volodymyr Babich, and Damian R. Beil. "Using a Dual-Sourcing Option in the Presence of Asymmetric Information about Supplier Reliability: Competition vs. Diversification." Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 14, no. 2: 202-217.
Yang, Zhibin, Goker Aydin, Volodymyr Babich, and Damian R. Beil. "Supply Disruptions, Asymmetric Information and a Backup Production Option." Management Science 55, no. 2: 192-209.
Yang, Zhibin, and Volodymyr Babich. "Supply Disruptions and Procurement Contracting." In Handbook of Information Exchange in Supply Chain Management, edited by Albert Ha, and Christopher Tang, 145-170. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Yang, Zhibin, Goker Aydin, Volodymyr Babich, and Damian R. Beil. "Decentralized Supply Risk Management." In Handbook of Integrated Risk Management in Global Supply Chains, edited by Panos Kouvelis, Lingxiu Dong, Onur Boyabatli, and Rong Li, 387-424. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Lundquist College students used analytics skills and SAS software to create a methodology for accurately predicting wildfire breakouts for their winning entry into SAS’s 2017 Analytics Experience Shootout Competition.