Diversity and Inclusion

The Lundquist College of Business seeks to actively foster a welcoming and respectful environment that allows each stakeholder—students, faculty, staff, and community members—to thrive.

An important aspect of our mission is to educate Oregon's future business leaders, which requires engaging all stakeholders in the understanding that diversity, integrity, inclusion, and respect are critical for a successful organization. We aim to recruit and retain a diverse student body by promoting an environment in which the full range of ideas, experiences, and perspectives of individual members are valued and respected. We are also dedicated to ensuring that all individuals hired for positions at the Lundquist College share these values as we work to improve access, excellence, and inclusion for all.

Get Involved

Student organizations are an integral part of the Lundquist College experience. The college's dynamic, diverse, and popular student clubs ensure you’ll feel connected to your peers—not in competition with them.

Here is a selection of Lundquist College clubs with a focus on inclusivity:

  • Diverse Organization of Business Students
  • International Business and Economics Club
  • Net Impact
  • Women in Business

View Lundquist College Clubs

Upcoming Events

Mohammed Murshed: A Celebration of UO Alumni Artists
Event: Mohammed Murshed: A Celebration of UO Alumni Artists
Mohammed Murshed: A Celebration of UO Alumni Artists Mar 13 Erb Memorial Union (EMU)
Archives Uncovered: Insights from SCUA Research Fellows
Event: Archives Uncovered: Insights from SCUA Research Fellows
Archives Uncovered: Insights from SCUA Research Fellows Mar 13
HIV Alliance: Free Testing for HIV, Hepatitis C, and Syphilis
Event: HIV Alliance: Free Testing for HIV, Hepatitis C, and Syphilis
HIV Alliance: Free Testing for HIV, Hepatitis C, and Syphilis Mar 13 Erb Memorial Union (EMU)
Rest and Recharge: QTBIPOC Finals Fuel
Event: Rest and Recharge: QTBIPOC Finals Fuel
Rest and Recharge: QTBIPOC Finals Fuel Mar 13 Erb Memorial Union (EMU)
Mohammed Murshed: A Celebration of UO Alumni Artists
Event: Mohammed Murshed: A Celebration of UO Alumni Artists
Mohammed Murshed: A Celebration of UO Alumni Artists Mar 14 Erb Memorial Union (EMU)

View All Upcoming Events

Scholarships and Funding


How do I report an incident of bias, discrimination, or hate?
Visit the university's reporting portal.

Whom should I contact if I have a question or suggestion regarding the Lundquist College's diversity action plan?
Contact a member of the college's Diversity Committee (contact information can be found below).

What resources and support services are available to members of the UO community?

Division of Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

The University of Oregon's Division of Equity and Inclusion promotes inclusive excellence by working to ensure equitable access to opportunities, benefits, and resources for all faculty, administrators, students, and community members. Its work is guided by the UO IDEAL framework of inclusion, diversity, evaluation, achievement, and leadership.

Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence (CMAE)

The CMAE promotes student retention and persistence for historically underrepresented and underserved populations, developing and implementing programs and services that support retention, academic excellence, and success at the UO and beyond. It seeks to build and empower an inclusive and diverse community of scholars who exemplify academic excellence and inspire positive change.

Counseling Center Support During a Pandemic of Racism

The UO Counseling Center offers support to help students deal with the psychological toll of ongoing racial injustices and violence toward Black people and other people of color.

DEI Black Lives Matter Campus and Community Resources, Information, and Messages

Categories on this continually updated list of resources include health; news stories written by Black faculty, staff, alumni, and friends; articles; webinars, lectures, and workshops; campus groups; and community groups and organizations.

DEI Love Authenticity Courage Empathy (LACE) Framework

This UO initiative encourages all community members to explicitly model the values we share. Resources include reading materials, templates, and activities focused on helping us to be intentional about the ways we show up as colleagues, faculty, staff, students, and citizens of the world.

DEI Student Resources

This comprehensive list includes job and internship opportunities, financial aid, scholarships, and resources for graduate students, multicultural students, international students, LGBTQIA students, veterans, nontraditional students.

Indigenous UO Campus Map

The Indigenous UO map highlights the key points of interests related to Native American and Indigenous history on campus. This project was created and developed by the Native American and Indigenous Studies Academic Residential Community in 2018.

Strategies and Working Groups

Alliances of faculty, staff, students, and community members collaborating to improve educational access and equity. UO strategies groups include the Asian, Desi, and Pacific Islander Strategies Interest Group, Black Strategies Group, Latinx Strategies Group, and Coalition for Allyship and Engagement.

Territorial Acknowledgement

The University of Oregon is located on Kalapuya Ilihi, the traditional indigenous homeland of the Kalapuya people. Following treaties between 1851 and 1855, Kalapuya people were dispossessed of their indigenous homeland by the United States government and forcibly removed to the Coast Reservation in Western Oregon. Today, Kalapuya descendants are primarily citizens of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, and they continue to make important contributions to their communities, to the UO, to Oregon, and to the world.

Read the Full Acknowledgement

Resources for Faculty and Staff

DEI LACE Faculty Resources

This page offers resources for faculty to implement the Love Authenticity Courage Empathy (LACE) Framework in their classrooms.

Faculty Development Resources

This list includes research and teaching fellowships, grants from the Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies and Center for the Study of Women in Society, and strategy and working groups.

Faculty Equity Statements for Tenure, Promotion, and Review

This page provides background on the requirement for faculty to incorporate discussions of contributions to institutional equity and inclusion within their personal statements for review, tenure, and promotion. It includes some recommended best practices for committees and heads responsible for reviewing and assessing such statements.

The PhD Project

The Lundquist College of Business is proud to be a participating university in The PhD Project, a network of supporters, sponsors, and universities with a mission to increase workplace diversity by increasing the diversity of business school faculty who encourage, mentor, support, and enhance the preparation of tomorrow's leaders.

Inclusion Council Members

The Lundquist College of Business Inclusion Council directs and operationalizes the diversity, equity, and inclusion goals and objectives of the college. The council's activities serve all stakeholders, including faculty, staff, students, alumni, donors, and industry partners, as well as the broader community.


Contact the Inclusion Council