
A gift from music entrepreneur Paul Anthony Troiano will help kickstart careers of student entrepreneurs.
A venture that aims lessen the stress of the college application process had its start as a course project.
A new, student-run organization will offer consulting services to companies, state institutions, and nonprofits around the region.

Clients from within and without the Lundquist College are using the facility's technology in creative new ways.

The back of a person taking a photograph.
Twenty-five years ago, a gift from Charles H. Lundquist '42 fundamentally changed the way entrepreneurship was taught at the University of Oregon.
John Dimmer '84 knows the value of an education grounded in real-world business practices, and for the the past ten years, he has been helping provide such hands-on learning through the Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship.
Accounting graduates take top three spots for highest scores on Oregon CPA exam, accounting faculty ranked second worldwide for research, alumna Tiffany Phillips '13 awarded Elijah Watt Sells Award, and more.
The Helen Gernon Accounting Faculty Endowment Fund will honor its namesake by attracting top-notch faculty to the college's Department of Accounting.
The $2 billion UO campaign represents an investment in our collective future in Oregon, the country, and the world.
Three Oregon MBAs went behind the scenes to write a business case on the turnaround of the BNP Paribas Open.
With our goal of $100 million, Lundquist College aims to make a significant contribution to the University of Oregon's $2 billion fundraising effort.
A newly launched initiative pairs MBA students with c-level executives for a year of one-on-one mentoring.
Students experienced many facets of Oregon’s vibrant startup culture during a trip to the 2014 Bend Venture Conference.
A new Career Services initiative addresses the career development needs of the college’s international prebusiness students.
This fall's New Majors Convocation and Celebration honored the achievement of our latest crop of undergraduates to achieve full major status.