Only the sixth recipient and joining elite company, Lundquist Professor of Sustainable Management Michael Russo was honored by the Organizations and Natural Environment Division of the Academy of Management.
The Professional Edge Program helps students become competitive job seekers by providing hands-on-experience with the tools common in today’s workplace.
Even with tax incentives, questions remained about financing real estate projects in opportunity zones. Our master of finance students helped provide the answers.
The Lundquist College is leading the way in educating students on sustainability reporting standards, helping ensure businesses are doing good environmentally and socially while doing well financially.
If a startup fails, does its founder have a disadvantage when applying for a job elsewhere? Management professor Peter Younkin and coauthor explored the issue in new research.
When Armani Brumfield chose a career path, he wanted something he was passionate about. That's why he’s pursuing a master’s degree in sports product management from the University of Oregon in Portland