Profile picture of Roger Best

Roger Best

Professor Emerit of Marketing

Affiliations: Marketing, Sports Product Management



Roger Best is widely regarded as a pioneer in the field of marketing metrics. He has spent 25 years working extensively in marketing education and consulting with companies such as 3M, Agilent General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, DuPont, Eastman-Kodak, and Tektronix. After receiving his PhD in marketing from the University of Oregon, he went on to author several textbooks as well as become emerit professor of marketing at the university. In 2012, Best joined Ellen Schmidt-Devlin in founding the University of Oregon's Sports Product Management program.

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Sports Product Management Research:

Best, Roger, Dennis Howard, Ofuma Eze-Echesi, and David Borlack. "COVID-19 Impact on 2020 U.S. Sportswear Sales." Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon.

December 2020

Best, Roger, Chris Sataua, and Jordan Pope. "Consumer-Based Sports Product Pricing." Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon.

March 2018

Vaughn, Damian, Roger Best, and Robin Vieira. "Flow Experience and Sports Products." Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon.

November 2017

Best, Roger, John McPhee, and Andrew Hamburg. "Supply Chain Impact Days and Return on Assets." Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon.

April 2017

Best, Roger and Chris Sataua. "Pole Vault World Records and Sports Product Innovation." Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon.

July 2016