The University of Oregon’s is the top school for tax research in the world, according to newly released rankings.

Helen Gernon
Professor Emerit of Accounting | School of Accounting Gifts Officer
Gernon, Helen, Clive Emmanuel, and Sidney J. Gray. "An Approach to Teaching International Management Accounting and Control: Integrating Corporate Strategy, Organizational Structure and Culture." Journal of Accounting Education 16, no. 1: 65-84.
Gernon, Helen, and R. S. Olusegun. "International Accounting Research: A Review of Its Ecology, Contending Theories and Methodologies." Journal of Accounting Literature 14: 54-106.
Gernon, Helen. "Discussion of An Investigation of the Reporting of Questionable Acts in an International Setting." Journal of Accounting Research 31: 104-110.
Gernon, Helen, and Kathleen R. Bindon. "The European Union: Regulation Moves Financial Reporting Toward Comparability." In Research in Accounting Regulation, edited by Gary John Previts, 23-47. Greenwich, Connecticut: Jai Press Inc.
What do leaders do when faced with a challenge? Get proactive. That’s just what happened in 1997, the year the Accounting Circle was born.
Student-business collaboration highlights investment trends, faculty research, Cameron Center naming, and more.