Profile picture of Mike Russo

Mike Russo

Professor Emerit of Sustainable Management

Affiliations: Management, Center for Sustainable Business Practices
Phone: 541-346-5182
Office: Lillis 480



Mike Russo is a Professor Emerit of Sustainable Management in the Department of Management at the Lundquist College of Business. His expertise and specialties include developing strategies for environmental management, creating business plans for mission-driven companies, and managing public policy issues. His research on these topics has been published in journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Operations Management, and Strategic Management Journal.

Russo received his PhD and MBA from the University of California, Berkeley. Before joining the Lundquist College, he worked as an energy planner specializing in commercialization of wind and solar energy.

Degree History:
  • PhD, University of California, Berkeley, 1989
  • MBA, University of California, Berkeley, 1986
  • MS, Stanford University, 1980
  • BS, Columbia University, 1979
Previous Positions:
  • Visiting Research Professor, Bocconi University, 2011; 2017–2018
  • Visiting Associate Professor, Arizona State University, 2003–2004
  • Visiting Associate Professor, University of Michigan, 2000
  • Visiting Associate Professor, University of Minnesota, 1996–1997
Professional Leadership:
  • Editor, Organization and Environment, 2020–present
  • Associate Editor, Organization and Environment, 2013–2019
  • Editorial Board, Academy of Management Journal, 2000–present
  • Editorial Board, Strategic Management Journal, 2000–present
  • Academic Director, Center for Sustainable Business Practices, 2007–2010; 2018–present
  • Leadership Track through Chair, Organizations and the Natural Environment Division, Academy of Management, 2001–2005
Honors and Awards:
  • Distinguished Scholar Award, Organizations and the Natural Environment Division, Academy of Management, 2019
  • Elected Fellow, International Academy of Management, 2018
  • First prize (for "Guayakí: Securing Supplies, Strengthening the Mission," with Michael Crooke), Oikos Sustainability Case Writing Competition, 2016
  • Best Paper Award (for "Geography, Personal Values, and Hybrid Companies: The Local Roots of Enlightened Entrepreneurship," with Andrew Earle, Brooke Boren, and Suzanne Tilleman), GRONEN Research Conference, 2016
  • Outstanding Editorial Board Member Award, Strategic Management Journal, 2011
  • Silver winner, Nautilus Book Awards, 2011
  • Honorable mention, Page Prize for Sustainability Issues in Business Curricula, 2011
  • Best Book Award, Organizations and Natural Environment Division, Academy of Management, 2010
  • Appointed inaugural Fetner Visiting Sustainability Leader, Syracuse University, 2010
  • Thomas C. Stewart Distinguished Faculty Award, Lundquist College of Business, 2009
  • Honorable mention (for for "Coastwide Laboratories: Clean and Green" with Derek Reiber), Oikos Sustainability Case Writing Competition, 2008
  • First prize (for "Seventh Generation: Balancing Customer Expectations with Supply Chain Realities" with Daniel Goldstein), Oikos Sustainability Case Writing Competition, 2007
  • Recipient of $33,300 grant (for "Green Chemistry Case Studies" with Jim Hutchison), Dreyfus Foundation Project T, 2005
  • Scharpf Award for Research Excellence, Lundquist College of Business, 2004
  • Recipient of $30,000 grant (for "Governance and Emissions Performance in the Electric Generation Industry" with Magali Delmas), University of California Energy Institute, UC Santa Barbara, 2003

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Areas of Expertise

  • Creating business plans for mission-driven companies
  • Developing strategies for environmental management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Influence of society, politics, and the natural environment on corporate strategy
  • Managing public policy issues
  • Mission-driven companies
  • Strategic certification strategy
  • Technology and sustainability

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Current Projects

  • Russo, Michael, and Mohamed Awad. "Local Values and The Emergence of Social Enterprise Clusters."

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Journal Articles:

Russo, Michael, Céline Louche, and Marcus Wagner. "A Solid Foundation But What Will Be Built on It?: Reviews of the Management, Organizations, and Environmental Sustainability Field." Organization & Environment 37, no. 2: 119-132.

June 2024

Russo, Michael V., Andrew G. Earle, Brooke A. Lahneman, and Suzanne G. Tilleman. "Taking Root in Fertile Ground: Community Context and the Agglomeration of Hybrid Companies." Journal of Business Venturing 37, no. 2.

March 2022

Vedula, Siddharth, Claudia Doblinger, Desirée Pacheco, Jeffrey G. York, Sophie Bacq, Michael V. Russo, and Thomas J. Dean. "Entrepreneurship for the Public Good: A Review, Critique, and Path Forward for Social and Environmental Entrepreneurship Research." Academy of Management Annals 16, no. 1: 391-425.

January 2022

Hahn, Tobias, Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Thomas Lyon, Michael V. Russo, and. Judith L. Walls. "Leadership Forum on Organizations and Sustainability: Taking Stock, Looking Forward." Organization & Environment 34, no. 1: 3-17.

March 2021

Tilleman, Suzanne, Michael Russo, and Andrew Nelson. "Institutional Logics and Regional Cluster Emergence: Evidence from the Wind and Solar Energy Industries." Organization Science 31, no. 3: 649-670.

May 2020

Testa, Francesco, Michael V. Russo, T. Bettina Cornwell, Aaron McDonald, and Brandon Reich. "Social Sustainability as Buying Local: Effects of Soft Policy, Meso-Level Actors, and Social Influences on Purchase Intentions." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 37, no. 1: 152-166.

April 2018

Markman, Gideon D., Michael Russo, G.T. Lumpkin, P. Devereaux Jennings, and Johanna Mair. "Entrepreneurship as a Platform for Pursuing Multiple Goals: a Special Issue on Sustainability, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship." Journal of Management Studies 53, no. 5: 673-694.

July 2016

Husted, Bryan W., Michael V. Russo, Carlos E. Basurto Meza, and Suzanne G. Tilleman. "An Exploratory Study of Environmental Attitudes and The Willingness to Pay for Environmental Certification in Mexico." Journal of Business Research 67, no. 5: 891-899.

May 2014

Parmigiani, Anne, Robert D. Klassen, and Michael V. Russo. "Efficiency Meets Accountability: Performance Implications of Supply Chain Configuration, Control, and Capabilities." Journal of Operations Management 29, no. 3: 212-223.

March 2011

Delmas, Magali, Michael V. Russo, Maria J. Montes‐Sancho. "Deregulation and Environmental Differentiation in the Electric Utility Industry." Strategic Management Journal 28, no. 2: 189-209.

February 2007

Russo, Michael V., and Niran S. Harrison. "Organizational and Environmental Performance: Clues from the Electronics Industry." Academy of Management Journal 48, no. 4: 582-593.

August 2005

Russo, Michael V. "The Emergence of Sustainable Industries: Building on Natural Capital." Strategic Management Journal 24, no. 4: 317-331.

April 2003

Haveman, Heather A., Michael V. Russo, and Alan D. Meyer. "Institutional Environments in Flux: The Impact of Regulatory Change on CEO Succession and Performance." Organization Science 12, no. 3: 253-273.

May 2001

Russo, Michael V., and Paul A. Fouts. "A Resource-Based Perspective on Corporate Environmental Performance and Profitability." Academy of Management Journal 40, no. 3: 534-559.

June 1997
June 1996

Russo, Michael V. "Bureaucracy, Economic Regulation, and the Incentive Limits of the Firm." Strategic Management Journal 13, no. 2: 103-118.

February 1992

April 2010
Book Chapters:

Russo, Michael, and Amy Minto. "Competitive Strategy and The Environment: a Field of Inquiry Emerges." In The Oxford Handbook of Business and The Natural Environment, edited by Pratima Bansal and Andrew J. Hoffman. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

November 2011

In the News

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