Profile picture of David Wagner

David Wagner

Head, Department of Management | Associate Professor of Management | Doug McKay Research Scholar

Affiliations: Management, Center for Sustainable Business Practices, Oregon MBA, Oregon Executive MBA, Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 541-346-3413
Office: Lillis 473



David Wagner is an associate professor of management, head of the Department of Management, and the Doug McKay Research Scholar at the University of Oregon's Lundquist College of Business. He is a graduate of the Management Department at Michigan State University. Prior to his appointment at the Lundquist College, Wagner was an assistant professor at Singapore Management University where he received multiple awards for his teaching and research. His research examines moods and emotions in the workplace (e.g., emotional labor, employee well-being, creativity); the impact of sleep and fatigue on workplace outcomes (e.g., moral decision making, prejudice, motivation); and the interface between work and life domains.

His research has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, and Journal of Sleep Research, and has appeared in popular outlets including Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, CBS nationwide radio (USA), CBC (Canada) and, much to the delight of his mother, Costco Magazine. In addition to conducting research, Wagner serves on the editorial boards of several journals, including Academy of Management Journal and Personnel Psychology. He enjoys teaching a diverse range of students from nations across Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

Degree History:
  • PhD, Michigan State University, 2009
  • MAcc, Brigham Young University, 2004
  • BS, Brigham Young University, 2002
Previous Positions:
  • Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Singapore Management University
Professional Leadership:
  • Editorial Review Board, Academy of Management Journal
  • Editorial Review Board, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

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Areas of Expertise

  • Work-life interface
  • Mood and emotion
  • Sleep and work

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Journal Articles:

Barnes, Christopher M., David T. Wagner, Kira Schabram, and Dorian Boncoeur. "Human Sustainability and Work: A Meta-Synthesis and New Theoretical Framework." Journal of Management 49, no. 6: 1965-1996.

July 2023

Barnes, Christopher M., and David T. Wagner. "Leading for Human Sustainability: An Extension of Restricted Employee Sustainability Theory." Research in Organizational Behavior 43: 100197.

February 2023

Spitzmuller, Matthias, Guihyun Park, Linn Van Dyne, David T. Wagner, and Addison Maerz. "When Do You Benefit? Differential Boundary Conditions Facilitate Positive Affect and Buffer Negative Affect after Helping Others." European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 30, no. 4: 482-494.

September 2021

Gish, J. Jeffrey, David T. Wagner, Denis A. Grégoire, and Christopher M. Barnes. "Sleep and Entrepreneurs' Abilities to Imagine and Form Initial Beliefs about New Venture Ideas." Journal of Business Venturing 34, no. 6.

November 2019

Leavitt, Keith, Christopher M. Barnes, Trevor Watkins, David T. Wagner. "From the Bedroom to the Office: Workplace Spillover Effects of Marital Sexual Activity at Home." Journal of Management 45, no. 3: 1173-1192.

March 2019

Heng, Yu Tse, David T. Wagner, Christopher M. Barnes, and Cristiano L. Guarana. "Archival Research: Expanding the Methodological Toolkit in Social Psychology." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 78: 14-22.

September 2018

Ilies, Remus, David Wagner, Kelly Wilson, Lucia Ceja, Michael Johnson, Scott DeRue, and Dan Ilgen. "Flow at Work and Basic Psychological Needs: Effects on Well-Being." Applied Psychology: An International Review 66, no. 1: 3-24.

January 2017

Belogolovsky, Elena, Peter Bamberger, Valeria Alterman, and David Wagner. "Looking for Assistance in The Dark: Pay Secrecy, Expertise Perceptions, and Efficacious Help Seeking among Members of Newly Formed Virtual Work Groups." Journal of Business and Psychology 31, no. 4: 459-477.

December 2016

Thundiyil, Thomas, Daniel Chiaburu, Ning Li, and David Wagner. "Joint Effects of Creative Self-Efficacy, Positive and Negative Affect on Creative Performance." Chinese Management Studies 10, no. 4: 726-745.

November 2016

Harrison, Spencer H., and David T. Wagner. "Spilling Outside the Box? The Effects of Creative Behavior at Work on Time Spent with Spouse at Home." Academy of Management Journal 59, no. 3: 841-859.

June 2016

Barnes, Christopher, Devasheesh Bhave, Alexandru Lefter, and David Wagner. "The Benefits of Bad Economies: Business Cycles and Time-Based Work-Life Conflict." Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 21, no. 2: 235-249.

April 2016

Barnes, Christopher M., Brian C. Gunia, and David T. Wagner. "Sleep and Moral Awareness." Journal of Sleep Research 24, no. 2: 181-188.

April 2015

Wagner, David T., Christopher M. Barnes Brent A. Scott. "Driving It Home: How Workplace Emotional Labor Harms Employee Home Life." Personnel Psychology 67, no. 2: 487-516.

July 2013

Barnes, Christopher M., David T. Wagner, and Sonia Ghumman. "Borrowing from Sleep to Pay Work and Family: Expanding Time-Based Conflict to the Broader Non-Work Domain." Personnel Psychology 65, no. 4: 789-819.

November 2012

Wagner, David T., Christopher M. Barnes, Vivien K. G. Lim, Lance D. Gerris, and D. Lance Ferris. "Lost Sleep and Cyberloafing: Evidence from the Laboratory and a Daylight Saving Time Quasi-Experiment." Journal of Applied Psychology 97, no. 5: 1068-1076.

September 2012

Scott, Brent A., Christopher M. Barnes, and David T. Wagner. "Chameleonic or Consistent? A Multilevel Investigation of Emotional Labor Variability and Self-Monitoring." Academy of Management Journal 55, no. 4: 905-926.

August 2012

Barnes, Christopher M., and David Wagner. "Changing to Daylight Saving Time Cuts into Sleep and Increases Workplace Injuries." Journal of Applied Psychology 94, no. 5: 1305-1317.

September 2009

Ilies, Remus, Kelly Schwind Wilson, and David T. Wagner. "The Spillover of Daily Job Satisfaction onto Employees' Family Lives: The Facilitating Role of Work-Family Integration." Academy of Management Journal 52, no. 1: 87-102.

February 2009

Barnes, Christopher M., John R. Hollenbeck, David T. Wagner, D. Scott DeRue, Jennifer D. Nahrgang, and Kelly M. Schwind. "Harmful Help: The Costs of Backing up Behavior in Teams." Journal of Applied Psychology 93, no. 3: 529-539.

May 2008

Ilies, Remus, Kelly M. Schwind, David T. Wagner, Michael D. Johnson, D. Scott DeRue, and Daniel R. Ilgen. "When Can Employees Have a Family Life? The Effects of Daily Workload and Affect on Work-Family Conflict and Social Behaviors at Home." Journal of Applied Psychology 92, no. 5: 1368-1379.

September 2007

Ilies, Remus, David T. Wagner, and Frederick P. Morgeson. "Explaining Affective Linkages in Teams: Individual Differences in Contagion and Individualism/Collectivism." Journal of Applied Psychology 92, no. 4: 1140-1148.

July 2007

Barling, Julian, Christopher M. Barnes, Erica L. Carleton, and David T. Wagner. Work and Sleep: Research Insights for the Workplace. New York: Oxford University Press.

April 2016
Book Chapters:

Pychlau, Sophie, and David T. Wagner. "The Data of Others: New and Old Faces of Archival Research." In APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology, second edition, edited by Harris Cooper, Marc N. Coutanche, Linda M. McMullen, and A. T. Panter, 481–500. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

April 2023

Gish, J. Jeffrey, and David T. Wagner. "The Affective Implications of Sleep." In Work and Sleep: Research Insights for the Workplace, edited by Julian Barling, Christopher M. Barnes, Erica Carleton, and David T. Wagner. New York: Oxford University Press.

April 2016

In the News

Lundquist College management faculty are teaching at the highest levels, out-researching some major names in academia, and publishing in the field's top journals, all while earning notice for excellence in teaching.
As the U.S. looks to end changing clocks twice a year, management professor David Wagner's expertise on the topic is more timely than ever.
The Lundquist College management department is hard at work producing quality research with impact far beyond the classroom.
Lundquist College faculty continue to impress with distinguished honors and top industry recognition for their pioneering work.
Making the career connection, driving up rankings, taking home trophies, and much more in the Fall 2018 issue of UO Business: The Magazine.

In preparation for the upcoming 2018-2019 school year, the Lundquist College of Business is proud to announce its upcoming faculty promotions and named appointments.

In an article for The Conversation, management professor David Wagner shares accumulating evidence that reveals the costs to business and society of shifting to daylight saving time.

From sales, to date night, to politics--we are always negotiating. In this inaugural episode, UO's David Wagner explains how this actually can be a great thing.