Profile picture of T. Bettina Cornwell

T. Bettina Cornwell

Head, Department of Marketing | Philip H. Knight Chair | Academic Director, Olympic Studies Hub | Professor of Marketing

Affiliations: Marketing, Center for Sustainable Business Practices, Oregon MBA, Undergraduate Programs, Warsaw Sports Business Center
Phone: 541-346-8241
Office: Lillis 489



T. Bettina Cornwell is a professor of marketing and head of the marketing department at the University of Oregon's Lundquist College of Business. She was also named Philip H. Knight Chair, one of the university's highest faculty honors. Prior to joining the University of Oregon, she was a professor of marketing and sport management at the University of Michigan. Her research focuses is marketing communications and consumer behavior and often includes international and public policy emphases.

Cornwell's research on corporate sponsorship of sports, arts and charity has recently appeared in the Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Psychology & Marketing. She was the recipient of the 2009 American Marketing Association Sports Marketing and Special Events Special Interest Group's award for Distinguished Contributions to the Scientific Understanding of Sports Business.

Degree History:
  • PhD, The University of Texas, Austin
  • MBA, The University of Texas, Austin
  • BA, Florida State University
Previous Positions:
  • Professor of Marketing and Sport Management, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Professional Leadership:
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Advertising
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
Honors and Awards:
  • Philip H. Knight Chair, University of Oregon, 2020
  • Thomas C. Stewart Distinguished Professor, University of Oregon, 2016
  • Paper of the Year Award (for "Visual Processing and Need for Cognition Can Enhance Event-Sponsorship Outcomes," published in the Journal of Advertising Research), Sport and Sponsorship-Linked Marketing Special Interest Group, American Marketing Association, 2015
  • Recipient, Distinguished Career Contributions to the Scientific Understanding of Sports Business, Sport and Event Marketing Special Interest Group, American Marketing Association, 2009

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Areas of Expertise

  • Advertising
  • Corporate sponsorship
  • Marketing
  • Public policy
  • Sports marketing

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Journal Articles:

Cornwell, T. Bettina, Ravi Pappu, and Eric Setten. "Sport Consumers: Perceiving and Enjoying Danger in American Football." International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 24, no. 5: 853-870.

November 2023

Cornwell, T. Bettina, Michael S. Humphreys, and Youngbum Kwon. "Shared Brand Equity." Journal of Advertising 52, no. 3: 311-329.

July 2023

Cornwell, T. Bettina, Abby Frank, and Rachel Miller-Moudgil. "A Research Agenda at the Intersection of Sport Sponsorship and Service." Journal of Service Management, forthcoming.

May 2023

Cornwell, T. Bettina, Eric Setten, Sung-Hee W. Paik, and Ravi Pappu. "Parents, Products, and the Development of Preferences: Child Palate and Food Choice in an Obesogenic Environment." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 40, no. 3: 429-446.

July 2021

Minton, Elizabeth A., T. Bettina Cornwell, and Hong Yuan. "I Know What You are Thinking: How Theory of Mind is Employed in Product Evaluations." Journal of Business Research 128: 405-422.

May 2021

Dreisbach, Jan, David M. Woisetschlager, Christof Backhaus, and T. Bettina Cornwell. "The Role of Fan Benefits in Shaping Responses to Sponsorship Activation." Journal of Business Research 124: 780-789.

January 2021

Jensen, Jonathan A., and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Assessing the Dissolution of Horizontal Marketing Relationships: The Case of Corporate Sponsorship of Sport." Journal of Business Research 124: 790-799.

January 2021

Cornwell, T. Bettina, and Youngbum Kwon. "Sponsorship-Linked Marketing: Surpluses and Shortages." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 48, no. 4: 607-629.

July 2020

Charlton, Aaron B., and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Authenticity in Horizontal Marketing Partnerships: A Better Measure of Brand Compatibility." Journal of Business Research 100: 279-298.

July 2019

Kelly, Sarah J., T. Bettina Cornwell, and Kiran Singh. "The Gladiatorial Sponsorship Arena: How Ambushing Impacts Memory." Marketing Intelligence & Planning 37, no. 4: 417-432.

June 2019

Cornwell, T. Bettina. "'Less Sponsorship as Advertising' and More Sponsorship-Linked Marketing as Authentic Engagement." Journal of Advertising 48, no. 1: 49-60.

February 2019

Steffen, Jahn, T. Bettina Cornwell, Jan Drengner, and Hansjoerg Gaus. "Temporary Communitas and Willingness to Return to Events." Journal of Business Research 92: 329-338.

November 2018

Cornwell, T. Bettina, Jennifer Howard-Grenville, and Christian E. Hampel. "The Company You Keep: How Organization's Horizontal Marketing Relationships Affect Employee Organizational Identification." Academy of Management Review 43, no. 4: 772-791.

October 2018

Cornwell, T. Bettina, Steffan Jhan, Jeffrey Xi, and Wang Suk Suh. "Feeling That Ingroup Feeling at a Sponsored Sporting Event: Links to Memory and Future Attendance." Journal of Sport Management 32, no. 5: 426-437.

September 2018

Weeks, Clinton S., Michael S. Humphreys, and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Why Consumers Misattribute Sponsorships to Non-Sponsor Brands: Differential Roles of Item and Relational Communications." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 24, no. 2: 125-144.

June 2018

Testa, Francesco, Michael V. Russo, T. Bettina Cornwell, Aaron McDonald, and Brandon Reich. "Social Sustainability as Buying Local: Effects of Soft Policy, Meso-Level Actors, and Social Influences on Purchase Intentions." Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 37, no. 1: 152-166.

April 2018

Woisetschläger, David M., Christof Backhaus, and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Inferring Corporate Motives: How Deal Characteristics Shape Sponsorship Perceptions." Journal of Marketing 81, no. 5: 121-141.

September 2017

Jensen, Jonathan A. and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Why Do Marketing Relationships End? Findings from an Integrated Model of Sport Sponsorship Decision-Making." Journal of Sport Management 31, no. 4: 401-418.

July 2017

Minton, Elizabeth A., T. Bettina Cornwell, and Lynn R. Kahle (2016). "A Theoretical Review of Consumer Priming: Prospective Theory, Retrospective Theory, and the Affective-Behavioral-Cognitive Model." Journal of Consumer Behavior 16, no. 4: 309-321.

July 2017

Orth, Ulrich R., T. Bettina Cornwell, Jana Ohlhoff, and Christiane Naber. "Seeing Faces: The Role of Brand Visual Processing and Social Connection in Brand Liking." European Journal of Social Psychology 47, no. 3: 348-361.

April 2017

Kelly, Sarah, Len Coote, T. Bettina Cornwell, and Anna McAlister. "Mellowing Skeptical Consumers: An Examination of Sponsorship-Linked Advertising." International Journal of Sport Communication 10, no. 1: 58-84.

March 2017

Cornwell, T. Bettina, Ottmar V. Lipp, and Helena Purkis. "Examination of Affective Responses to Images in Sponsorship Linked Marketing." Journal of Global Sport Management 1, no. 3-4: 110-128.

December 2016

Minton, Elizabeth A. and T. Bettina Cornwell. "The Cause Cue Effect: Cause-Related Marketing and Consumer Health Perceptions." Journal of Consumer Affairs 50, no. 2: 372-402.

July 2016

Proksch, Michael, Ulrich R. Orth, and T. Bettina Cornwell. “Competence Enhancement and Anticipated Emotion as Motivational Drivers of Brand Attachment.” Psychology and Marketing 32, no. 9: 934-949.

September 2015

Close, Angeline G., Russell Lacey, and T. Bettina Cornwell. “Visual Processing and Need for Cognition Can Enhance Event-Sponsorship Outcomes: How Sporting Event Sponsorships Benefit From the Way Attendees Process Them.” Journal of Advertising Research 55, no. 2: 206-215.

June 2015

Cornwell, T. Bettina, and Dae Kwak. "Sponsorship-Linked Marketing: Introduction to Topics." Journal of Sport Management 29, no. 2: 133-136.

March 2015

Cornwell, T. Bettina, Anna R. McAlister, and Nancy Polmear-Swendris. "Children's Knowledge of Packaged and Fast Food Brands and Their BMI: Why The Relationship Matters for Policy Makers." Appetite 81: 277-283.

October 2014

Pappu, Ravi, and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Corporate Sponsorship as an Image Platform: Understanding The Roles of Relationship Fit and Sponsor-Sponsee Similarity." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 42, no. 5: 490-510.

September 2014

Tsiotsou, Rodoula H. Kostas Alexandris, and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Using Evaluative Conditioning to Explain Corporate Co-Branding in The Context of Sport Sponsorship." Journal of International Advertising 33, no. 2: 295-327.

June 2014

Marzec, Mary L., Seung Pil Lee, T. Bettina Cornwell, Wayne N. Burton, Judith McMullen, and Dee W. Edington. "Predictors of Behavior Change Intention Using Health Risk Appraisal Data." American Journal of Health Behavior 37, no. 4: 478-490.

July 2013

Cornwell, T. Bettina, and Michael S. Humphreys. "Memory for Sponsorship Relationship: A Critical Juncture in Thinking." Psychology and Marketing 30, no. 5: 394-407.

May 2013

Lee, Seung Pil, T. Bettina Cornwell, and Kathy Babiak. "Developing an Instrument to Measure the Social Impact of Sport: Social Capital, Collective Identities, Health Literacy, Well-being and Human Capital." Journal of Sport Management 27, no. 1: 24-42.

January 2013

Cornwell, T. Bettina, Michael S. Humphreys, Emerald A. Quinn, and Anna R. McAlister. "Memory of Sponsorship-linked Communications: The Effect of Competitor Mentions." SAGE Open 2, no. 4

October 2012

McAlister, Anna R. and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Collectable Toys as Marketing Tools: Understanding Preschool Children’s Response to Foods Paired with Premiums." Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 31, no. 2: 195-205.

September 2012

Schultz, Clifford J., Rohit Deshpandé, T. Bettina Cornwell, Ahmet Ekici, Mark Peterson, Stanley Shapiro, Debabrata Talukdar, and Ann Veeck. "Marketing and Public Policy: Transformative Research in Developing Markets." Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 31, no. 2: 178-184.

September 2012

Wisehart, Taryn, Seung Pil Lee, and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Exploring the Relationship between Sponsorship Characteristics and Sponsorship Asking Price." Journal of Sport Management 26, no. 4: 335-349.

July 2012

McAlister, Anna R., Sarah J. Kelly, Michael S. Humphreys, and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Change in a Sponsorship Alliance and the Communication Implications of Spontaneous Recovery." Journal of Advertising 41, no. 1: 5-16.

March 2012

Kelly, Sarah J., T. Bettina Cornwell, Leonard V. Coote, and Anna R. McAlister. "Event Related Advertising and the Special Case of Sponsorship-Linked Advertising." International Journal of Advertising 31, no. 1: 15-37.

January 2012

Chien, Monica, T. Bettina Cornwell, and Ravi Pappu. "Rejoinder to Commentary on Chein, Cornwell, and Pappu." Journal of Business Research 65, no. 1: 117-121.

January 2012

Spry, Amanda, Ravi Pappu, and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Celebrity Endorsement, Brand Credibility, and Brand Equity." European Journal of Marketing 45, no. 6: 882-909.

December 2011

Nickell, David, T. Bettina Cornwell, and Wesley J. Johnson. "Sponsorship-linked Marketing: A Set of Research Propositions." Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 26, no. 8: 577-589.

December 2011

McAlister, Anna, T. Bettina Cornwell, and Emilita Krisanti Cronain. "Collectible Toys and Decision to Share: I Will Gift You One to Expand My Set." British Journal of Developmental Psychology 29, no. 1: 1-17.

March 2011

Chien, P. Monica, T. Bettina Cornwell, and Ravi Pappu. "Sponsorship Portfolio as Brand Image Creation Strategy." Journal of Business Research 64, no. 2: 142-149.

February 2011

McAlister, Anna R. and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Children's Brand Symbolism Understanding: Links to Theory of Mind and Executive Functioning." Psychology and Marketing 27, no. 3: 203-228.

March 2010

Humphreys, Michael S., T. Bettina Cornwell, Anna R. McAlister, Sarah J. Kelly, Emerald A. Quinn, and Krista L. Murray. "Sponsorship, Ambushing and Counter-Strategy: Effects Upon Memory for Sponsor and Event." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 16, no. 1: 96-108.

March 2010

McAlister, Anna R. and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Preschool Children's Persuasion Knowledge: The Contribution of Theory of Mind." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 28, no. 2: 175-185.

September 2009

Clark, John M., T. Bettina Cornwell, and Stephen W. Pruitt. "The Impact of Title Event Sponsorship Announcements on Shareholder Wealth." Marketing Letters 20, no. 2, 169-182.

June 2009

Cunningham, Stephanie, T. Bettina Cornwell, and Leonard V. Coote. "Expressing Identity and Shaping Image: The Relationship between Corporate Mission and Corporate Sponsorship." Journal of Sport Management 23, no. 1: 65-86.

January 2009

Cornwell, T. Bettina. "State of the Art and Science in Sponsorship-linked Marketing." Journal of Advertising 37, no. 3: 41-55.

October 2008

Weeks, Clinton S., T. Bettina Cornwell, Doo-hee Lee, and Judy C. Drennan. "Leveraging Sponsorships on the Internet: Activation, Congruence, and Articulation." Psychology and Marketing 25, no. 7: 637-654.

July 2008
September 2007

Cornwell, T. Bettina, Michael S. Humphreys, Angela M. Maguire, Clinton S. Weeks, and Cassandra L. Tellegen. "Sponsorship-Linked Marketing: The Role of Articulation in Memory." Journal of Consumer Research 33, no. 3: 312-321.

December 2006

Cornwell, T. Bettina, Stephen W. Pruitt, and John M. Clark. "The Relationship Between Major League Sports' Official Sponsorship Announcements and the Stock Prices of Sponsoring Firms." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 33, no. 4: 401–412.

September 2005
December 2004

Cornwell, T. Bettina, and Steffen Jahn. Concise Introduction to Sport Marketing. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

July 2023

Cornwell, T. Bettina. Sponsorship in Marketing: Effective Partnerships in Sports, Arts, and Entertainment. New York: Routledge.

March 2020

Cornwell, T. Bettina. Sponsorship in Marketing: Effective Communications through Sports, Arts, and Events. New York: Routledge.

July 2014
Book Chapters:

Cornwell, T. Bettina. "Sport, Marketing, and Consumer Culture." In Oxford Handbook of Sport and Society, conditionally accepted.

Cornwell, T. Bettina and Joerg Koenisgtorfer. "Sponsors as Meso Level Actors in Sport: Understanding Individual Decisions as Foundational to Sustainability in Food and Drink." In Handbook of Sport, Sustainability, and the Environment, edited by Brian P. McCullough and Timothy B. Kellison, 161-175. New York: Routledge.

August 2017

Cornwell, T. Bettina. "Soliciting Sport Sponsorship." In Understanding Sport Management: International Perspectives, edited by Trish Bradbury and Ian O'Boyle, 172-183. New York: Routledge.

January 2017

Cornwell, T. Bettina. "Sport Sponsorship and Endorsements." In Handbook of Sport Management, edited by Russell Hoye and Milena M. Parent, 368-382. Los Angeles: Sage.

November 2016

Cornwell, T. Bettina. "Origins of Thinking on State of the Art and Science in Sponsorship-Linked Marketing." In Handbook of Theory in Sport Management, edited by George B. Cunningham, Janet S. Fink, and Alison Doherty, 203-210. New York: Routledge.

October 2015

Cornwell, T. Bettina, and Anna McAlister. "Preschool Children's Preference for Energy-Dense, Branded Foods: an Unsustainable Trajectory." In Communicating Sustainability for the Green Economy, edited by Lynn R. Kahle and Eda Gurel-Atay, 209-222. New York: Routledge.

December 2013

Kwak, Dae, and T. Bettina Cornwell. "Cause-Related Marketing/Sponsorship in Sport." In Routledge Handbook of Sport and Corporate Social Responsibility, edited by Juan Luis Paramio Salcines, Kathy Babiak, and Geoff Walters, 285-297. New York: Routledge.

July 2013

Lee, Seung, and T. Bettina Cornwell. "A Framework for Measuring The Contribution of Sport to Society: Actors, Activities and Outcomes." In Consumer Behavior Knowledge for Effective Sports and Event Marketing, edited by Lynn R. Kahle and Angeline G. Close, 31-58. New York: Routledge.

September 2010

In the News

Research by UO marketing professor T. Bettina Cornwell and Lundquist alum Eric Setten, PhD ’20—now an associate professor at California State University, Fullerton—explored the role of sweets in children’s shows.
UO's new Olympic Studies Hub at the Lundquist College, helmed by sports business instructor Yoav Dubinsky, is the only U.S. member of the worldwide network of academic Olympic Studies and Research Centres.
A large flock of Business Ducks representing themselves and top international brands traveled to Paris as part of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games.
Marketing professor T. Bettina Cornwell is creating eye-catching art with an environmental message.
From the track-and-field trials to sponsorships and activations, Lundqusit College students and alumni helped make the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics memorable.
Research by Pusan National University's Youngbum Kwon and UO's T. Bettina Cornwell examined whether or not a corporation's stock value was affected by its partnerships with sports teams.
The Warsaw Sports Marketing Center placed second-best worldwide in average alumni salary according to the 2021 SportBusiness Postgraduate Course Rankings.
A team of Lundquist College researchers explored the social-cognitive construct "theory of mind" in order to understand sales communications.