In the past five years, the college's management department's 11 research faculty members have published 78 papers, with 50 of those papers appearing in the top 50 journals evaluated by the Financial Times for its business school research rankings. Management faculty research has also been cited 21,510 times, according to Google Scholar.
Management faculty's research interests include the influences of the natural environment on strategy, interfirm relationships, the development and commercialization of technological innovations, the interface between work and life domains, multilateral collaboration, entrepreneurship, diversity, fairness, and gig work.
Key takeaways from the Department of Management's recent research include
- The nature of collective values in a community--for example, a prioritization of environmental conservation--is an essential determinant of the nature of local businesses (Michael Russo).
- Horizontal and vertical firm boundaries are independent unless coordination issues require trade-offs, in which case firms cannot be both broad and deep (Anne Parmigiani).
- In the context of green chemistry, well-meaning efforts to generate and sustain change to "moralize'' occupational work can heighten resistance (Andrew Nelson).
- Entrepreneurs who don't sleep enough undercut their own efforts (David Wagner).
- Cohesive groups of interconnected inventors are more likely to build on new venture technologies, and any insularity is mitigated by internal competition (Ralph Heidl).
- Young scientists adopt their advisers' orientations toward commercial science (Chris Liu).
- Certifications from multiple sources are better than from a single source (Lauren Lanahan).
- Compared to men, women who are ex-founders of startups are less likely to encounter obstacles when job seeking. (Peter Younkin).
- A framework of community-based resource mobilization fo early-stage ventures (Alex Murray).
Research Citations
To showcase the productive nature of our management faculty members, the following is an ever-expanding list of their research citations.
Chown, Jillian, Katrina Rey-McIntyre, John Kim, Thomas G. Purdie, Colleen Dickie, Richard Tsang, Yat Tsang, Jan Seuntjens, Fei-Fei Liu, and Christopher C. Liu. "Impact of Micro-Geography on Communication Dynamics in a Healthcare Environment." BMJ Leader, forthcoming. January 2025
Davis, John A. "Value in Stories: Realising the Benefits of the Olympic Games." Brand Finance Journal. September 2024
Russo, Michael, Céline Louche, and Marcus Wagner. "A Solid Foundation But What Will Be Built on It?: Reviews of the Management, Organizations, and Environmental Sustainability Field." Organization & Environment 37, no. 2: 119-132. June 2024
Liu, Christopher C., Beril Yalcinkaya, Andy S. Back, Waverly W. Ding. "The Impact of Gender Diversity on Junior Versus Senior Biomedical Scientists." Nature Biotechnology 42, no. 5: 815-819. May 2024
Gish, J. Jeffrey, Lauren Lanahan, and Joshua T. Beck. "A Values-Complementarity Model of Social Movement Influence on Entrepreneurship." Journal of Management, forthcoming. April 2024
Greenberg, Jason, Christopher C. Liu, Leanne ten Brinke. "When Do Haters Act? Peer Evaluation, Negative Relationships, and Brokerage." Sociological Science 11: 439-466. April 2024
Brewer, Jordan, Dhru Patel, Dennie Kim, and Alex Murray. "Navigating the Challenges of Generative Technologies: Proposing the Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain." Business Horizons, forthcoming. April 2024
Fišar, Miloš, Ben Greiner, Christoph Huber, Elena Katok, Ali I. Ozkes, and Lauren Lanahan. "Reproducibility in Management Science." Management Science 70, no. 3: 1343-1356. March 2024
Vivianna F He, Mattias Tröbinger, and Alex Murray (2024). "The Crowd Beyond Funders: An Integrative Review of and Research Agenda for Crowdfunding." Academy of Management Annals 18, no. 1: 348-394. January 2024
Barnes, Christopher M., David T. Wagner, Kira Schabram, and Dorian Boncoeur. "Human Sustainability and Work: A Meta-Synthesis and New Theoretical Framework." Journal of Management 49, no. 6: 1965-1996. July 2023
Nelson, Andrew. "Moving Entrepreneurship Education Beyond Enterprise Creation." Journal of Management Inquiry, forthcoming. June 2023
Nelson, Andrew, Callen Anthony, and Mary Tripsas. "'If I Could Turn Back Time': Occupational Dynamics, Technology Trajectories and the Reemergence of the Analog Music Synthesizer." Administrative Science Quarterly 68, no. 2: 551-599. June 2023
McDonald, Aaron T., Dave Pulaski, and Ralph Heidl. "Magnetic Tower: Within and Between-Team Collaboration Experiential Exercise." Journal of Education for Business 98, no. 6: 338-346. April 2023
Pychlau, Sophie, and David T. Wagner. "The Data of Others: New and Old Faces of Archival Research." In APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology, second edition, edited by Harris Cooper, Marc N. Coutanche, Linda M. McMullen, and A. T. Panter, 481–500. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. April 2023
Murray, Alex, Dennie Kim, and Jordan Combs. "The Promise of a Decentralized Internet: What is Web 3.0 and How Can Firms Prepare?" Business Horizons 66, no. 2: 191-202. March 2023
Murray, Alex, and Greg Fisher. "When More is Less: Explaining the Curse of Too Much Capital for Early-Stage Ventures." Organization Science 34, no. 1: 246-282. February 2023
Graddy-Reed, Alexandra, and Lauren Lanahan. "Prioritizing Diversity? The Allocation of U.S. Federal R&D Funding." Science and Public Policy 50, no. 1: 104-119. February 2023
Barnes, Christopher M., and David T. Wagner. "Leading for Human Sustainability: An Extension of Restricted Employee Sustainability Theory." Research in Organizational Behavior 43: 100197. February 2023
Feldman, Maryann P., Scott Stern, Yael Hochberg, Amol M. Joshi, Riitta Katila, Lauren Lanahan, Matt Marx, Alexander Oettl, Winslow Sargeant, Stephanie S. Shipp, and Timothy Simcoe. Review of the SBIR and STTR Programs at the National Science Foundation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. January 2023
Chari, Mukund, H. Kevin Steensma, Charles Connaughton, and Ralph Heidl. "The Influence of Patent Assertion Entities on Inventor Behavior." Strategic Management Journal 43, no. 8: 1666-1690. August 2022
Myers, Kyle R., and Lauren Lanahan. "Estimating Spillovers from Publicly Funded R&D: Evidence from the U.S. Department of Energy." American Economic Review 112, no. 7: 2393-2423. July 2022
Kacperczyk, Aleksandra, Peter Younkin, and Vera Rocha. "Do Employees Work Less for Female Leaders? A Multi-Method Study of Entrepreneurial Firms." Organization Science, forthcoming. June 2022
Guo, Zhiya (Alice), Ralph A. Heidl, John R. Hollenbeck, Andrew Yu, and Michael Howe. "When Discretionary Boundary Spanning Relationships Cease Becoming Discretionary: The Impact of Closed Ties on Informal Leadership Perceptions." Journal of Applied Psychology 107: no. 6: 898-916. June 2022
Parmigiani, Anne, Jennifer Irwin, and Brooke Lahneman. "Building Greener Motorhomes: How Dual-Purpose Technical and Relational Capabilities Affect Component and Full Product Innovation." Strategic Management Journal 43, no. 6: 1110-1140. June 2022
Davis, John A. "The Role of Sport in Helping Solve Global Crisis." Irish Tech News. June 2022
Russo, Michael V., Andrew G. Earle, Brooke A. Lahneman, and Suzanne G. Tilleman. "Taking Root in Fertile Ground: Community Context and the Agglomeration of Hybrid Companies." Journal of Business Venturing 37, no. 2. March 2022
Lanahan, Lauren, Daniel Erian Armanios, and Amol M. Joshi. "Inappropriateness Penalty, Desirability Premium: What Do More Certifications Actually Signal?" Organization Science 33, no. 2: 854-871. March 2022
Kacperczyk, Aleksandra, and Peter Younkin. "A Founding Penalty: Evidence from an Audit Study on Gender, Entrepreneurship, and Future Employment." Organization Science 33, no. 2: 716-745, 2022. March 2022
Clayton, Paige, Lauren Lanahan, and Andrew Nelson. "Dissecting Diffusion: Tracing The Plurality of Factors That Affect Knowledge Diffusion." Research Policy 51, no. 1. January 2022
Vedula, Siddharth, Claudia Doblinger, Desirée Pacheco, Jeffrey G. York, Sophie Bacq, Michael V. Russo, and Thomas J. Dean. "Entrepreneurship for the Public Good: A Review, Critique, and Path Forward for Social and Environmental Entrepreneurship Research." Academy of Management Annals 16, no. 1: 391-425. January 2022
Clayton, Paige, Lauren Lanahan, and Andrew Nelson. "Dissecting Diffusion: Tracing the Plurality of Factors That Shape Knowledge Diffusion." Research Policy 51, no. 1. January 2022
Murray, Alex, Scott Kuban, Matthew Josefy, and Jonathan Anderson. "Contracting in the Smart Era: The Implications of Blockchain and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations for Contracting and Corporate Governance." Academy of Management Perspectives 35, no. 4: 622-641. November 2021
Howard-Grenville, Jennifer, Andrew Nelson, Heather Vough, and Tammar B. Zilber. "From the Editors: Achieving Fit and Avoiding Misfit in Qualitative Research." Academy of Management Journal 64, no. 5: 1313-1323. October 2021
Kim, Ji Youn (Rose), H. Kevin Steensma, and Ralph Heidl. "Clustering and Connectedness: How Inventor Network Configurations within Incumbent Firms Influence Their Assimilation and Absorption of New Venture Technologies." Academy of Management Journal 64, no. 5: 1527-1552. October 2021
Gorbatai, Andreea D., Peter Younkin, and Gordon Burtch. "Collateral Damage: The Relationship Between High-Salience Events and Variation in Racial Discrimination." Organization Science, forthcoming. September 2021
Spitzmuller, Matthias, Guihyun Park, Linn Van Dyne, David T. Wagner, and Addison Maerz. "When Do You Benefit? Differential Boundary Conditions Facilitate Positive Affect and Buffer Negative Affect after Helping Others." European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 30, no. 4: 482-494. September 2021
Gaba, Vibha, and Alan D. Meyer. "Discontinuous Change in Organizational Fields." In Oxford Handbook of Organizational Change, edited by Marshall Scott Poole and Andrew Van de Ven, 364-396. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. July 2021
Murray, Alex, Jen Rhymer, and David G. Sirmon. "Humans and Technology: Forms of Conjoined Agency in Organizations." Academy of Management Review 46, no. 3: 552-571. July 2021
Graddy-Reed, Alexandra, Lauren Lanahan, and Jesse D'Agostino. "Training across the Academy: The Impact of R&D Funding on Graduate Students." Research Policy 50, no. 5. June 2021
Huang, Laura, Maximilian Enthoven, Alex Murray, and Erik Hofmann. " (B): Bidding Farewell to Crypto." Harvard Business School Case N9-421-068. January 2021
Hallen, Benjamin L., Jason P. Davis, and Alex Murray. "Entrepreneurial Network Evolution: Explicating the Structural Localism and Agentic Network Change Distinction." Academy of Management Annals 14, no. 2: 1067-1102. July 2020
Murray, Alex, Suresh Kotha, and Greg Fisher. "Community-Based Resource Mobilization: How Entrepreneurs Acquire Resources from Distributed Non-Professionals via Crowdfunding." Organization Science, 31, no. 4: 960-989. July 2020
Armanios, Daniel Erian, Lauren Lanahan, and Dian Yu. "Varieties of Local Government Experimentation: U.S. State-Led Technology-Based Economic Development Policies, 2000-2015." Academy of Management Discoveries 6, no. 2: 266-299. June 2020
Younkin, Peter, and Keyvan Kashkooli. "Stay True to Your Roots? Category Distance, Hierarchy, and the Performance of New Entrants in the Music Industry." Organization Science 31, no. 3: 604-627. May 2020
Tilleman, Suzanne, Michael Russo, and Andrew Nelson. "Institutional Logics and Regional Cluster Emergence: Evidence from the Wind and Solar Energy Industries." Organization Science 31, no. 3: 649-670. May 2020
Tilleman, Suzanne, Michael Russo, and Andrew Nelson. "Institutional Logics and Regional Cluster Emergence: Evidence from The Wind and Solar Energy Industries." Organization Science 31, no. 3: 649-670. May 2020
Kuppuswamy, Venkat, and Peter Younkin. "Testing the Theory of Consumer Discrimination as an Explanation for the Lack of Minority Hiring in Hollywood Films." Management Science 66, no. 3: 1227-1247. March 2020
Wright, April L., Alan D. Meyer, Trish Reay, and Jonathan Staggs. "Maintaining Places of Social Inclusion: Ebola and the Emergency Department." Administrative Science Quarterly, forthcoming. March 2020
Murray, Alex, and Suresh Kotha. "Kickstarter: Using Crowdfunding to Launch a New Board Game." In Strategic Management, edited by F. T. Rothaermel. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill. January 2020
Huang, Laura, Dominik Roeck, Alex Murray, and Erik Hofmann. " Funding a Blockchain-based Start-up's Supply Chain Solution." Harvard Business School Case N9-420-006. January 2020
Parmigiani, Anne, and Eden King. "Successfully Proposing and Composing Review Papers for the Journal of Management." Journal of Management 45, no. 8: 3083-3090. November 2019
Gish, J. Jeffrey, David T. Wagner, Denis A. Grégoire, and Christopher M. Barnes. "Sleep and Entrepreneurs' Abilities to Imagine and Form Initial Beliefs about New Venture Ideas." Journal of Business Venturing 34, no. 6. November 2019
Graddy-Reed, Alexandra, Lauren Lanahan, and Jonathan Eyer. "Gender Discrepancies in Publication Productivity of High-Performing Life Science Graduate Students." Research Policy 48, no. 9. November 2019
Liu, Christopher C. and Sameer B. Srivastava. "Efficacy or Rigidity? Power, Influence, and Social Learning in the U.S. Senate, 1973-2005." Academy of Management Discoveries 5, no. 3: 251-265. September 2019
Eckardt, Rory, Alia Crocker, Yoojung Ahn, Steven W. Floyd, Brian K. Boyd, Gerard P. Hodgkinson, Steve W.J. Kozlowski, Thomas P. Moliterno, and William H. Starbuck. "Reflections on The Micro-Macro Divides: Ideas from The Trenches and Moving Forward." Strategic Organization 17, no. 3: 385-402. August 2019
Doering, Laura B., and Christopher C. Liu. "From the Ground Up: Gender, Space, and Self-Employment in a Colombian Housing Project." Sociology of Development 5, no. 2: 198-224. July 2019
Matusik, James G., Ralph Heidl, John R. Hollenbeck, Andrew Yu, Hun Whee Lee, and Michael Howe. "Wearable Bluetooth Sensors for Capturing Relational Variables and Temporal Variability in Relationships: A Construct Validation Study." Journal of Applied Psychology 104, no. 3: 357-387. March 2019
Leavitt, Keith, Christopher M. Barnes, Trevor Watkins, David T. Wagner. "From the Bedroom to the Office: Workplace Spillover Effects of Marital Sexual Activity at Home." Journal of Management 45, no. 3: 1173-1192. March 2019
Lanahan, Lauren, and Maryann P. Feldman. "Approximating Exogenous Variation in R&D: Evidence from the Kentucky and North Carolina SBIR State Match Programs." Review of Economics and Statistics 100, no. 4: 740-752. October 2018
Graddy-Reed, Alexandra, Lauren Lanahan, and Nichole Ross. "The Effect of R&D Investment on Graduate Student Productivity: Evidence from the Life Sciences." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 37, no. 4: 809-834. September 2018
Van de Ven, Andrew H., Alan D. Meyer, and Runtian Jing. "Opportunities and Challenges of Engaged Indigenous Research." Management and Organization Review 14, no. 3: 449-462. September 2018
Starbuck, William. "Teaching Strategists to Take Advantage of What Happens." In Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 39, edited by Mie Augier, Christina Fang, and Violina P. Rindova., 247-264. Somerville, MA: Emerald Publishing. September 2018
Heng, Yu Tse, David T. Wagner, Christopher M. Barnes, and Cristiano L. Guarana. "Archival Research: Expanding the Methodological Toolkit in Social Psychology." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 78: 14-22. September 2018
Hayter, Christopher S., Andrew J. Nelson, Stephanie Zayed, and Alan C. O'Connor. "Conceptualizing Academic Entrepreneurship Ecosystems: A Review, Analysis and Extension of the Literature." The Journal of Technology Transfer 43, no. 4: 1039-1082. August 2018
Younkin, Peter, and Venkat Kuppuswamy. "The Colorblind Crowd? Founder Race and Performance in Crowdfunding." Management Science 64, no. 7: 3269-3287. July 2018
Waisberg, Isaac, and Andrew Nelson. "When the General Meets the Particular: The Practices and Challenges of Interorganizational Knowledge Reuse." Organization Science 29, no. 3: 432-448. May 2018
Hannah, David R., Alan D. Meyer, and Marc-David L. Seidel. "Escape from Abilene: Developmental Opportunities in the Review Process." Journal of Management Inquiry 27, no. 2: 140-143. April 2018
Testa, Francesco, Michael V. Russo, T. Bettina Cornwell, Aaron McDonald, and Brandon Reich. "Social Sustainability as Buying Local: Effects of Soft Policy, Meso-Level Actors, and Social Influences on Purchase Intentions." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 37, no. 1: 152-166. April 2018
Irwin, Jennifer, Brooke Lahneman, and Anne Parmigiani. "Nested Identities as Cognitive Drivers of Strategy." Strategic Management Journal 39, no. 2: 269-294. February 2018
Byers, Thomas, Richard Dorf, and Andrew Nelson. Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise. New York: McGraw-Hill. February 2018
Anderson, Phillip, and Alan D. Meyer. "Complexity Theory and Process Organization Studies." In The SAGE Handbook of Process Organization Studies, edited by Ann Langley and Haridimos Tsoukas. London: SAGE Publishing. October 2017
Graddy-Reed, Alexandra, Lauren Lanahan, and Nicole M. V. Ross, "Influences of Academic Institutional Factors on R&D Funding for Graduate Students." Science and Public Policy 44, no. 6: 834-854. October 2017
Howard-Grenville, Jennifer, Andrew J. Nelson, Andrew G. Earle, Julie A. Haack, and Douglas M. Young. "'If Chemists Don't Do It, Who's Going to?': Peer-Driven Occupational Change and the Emergence of Green Chemistry." Administrative Science Quarterly 62, no. 3: 524-560. September 2017
Nelson, Andrew J. "'Standing on [Transparent] Shoulders': Applying Open Source Approaches to Qualitative Management." In The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Research in Organization Studies, edited by Raza Mir and Sanjay Jain. New York: Routledge. September 2017
Mullotte, Louis, and Anne Parmigiani. "Sibling Rivalry vs. Cousin Solidarity: How Ownership Influences Performance in Franchise Chains." Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2017, no. 1. August 2017
Schwab, Andreas and William H. Starbuck. "A Call for Openness in Research Reporting: How to Turn Covert Practices into Helpful Tools" Academy of Management Learning and Education 16, no. 1: 125-141. March 2017
Kacperczyk, Aleksandra, and Peter Younkin. "The Paradox of Breadth: The Tension Between Experience and Legitimacy in the Transition to Entrepreneurship." Administrative Science Quarterly 62, no. 4: 731-764. March 2017
Starbuck, William H. "Uncle Bill Forecasts Change, Challenge, and Endless Variety: Rejoinder to 'Your Professor Will Know You as a Person': Evaluating and Rethinking the Relational Boundaries Between Faculty and Students.'" Journal of Management Education 41, no. 1: 39-45. February 2017
Ilies, Remus, David Wagner, Kelly Wilson, Lucia Ceja, Michael Johnson, Scott DeRue, and Dan Ilgen. "Flow at Work and Basic Psychological Needs: Effects on Well-Being." Applied Psychology: An International Review 66, no. 1: 3-24. January 2017
Chaffin, Daniel, Ralph Heidl, John R. Hollenbeck, Michael Howe, Andrew Yu, Clay Voorhees, and Roger Calantone. "The Promise and Perils of Wearable Sensors in Organizational Research." Organization Research Methods 20, no. 1: 3-31. January 2017
Azoulay, Pierre, Christopher C. Liu, and Toby E. Stuart. "Social Influence Given (Partially) Deliberate Matching: Career Imprints in the Creation of Academic Entrepreneurs." American Journal of Sociology 122, no. 4: 1223-71. January 2017
Belogolovsky, Elena, Peter Bamberger, Valeria Alterman, and David Wagner. "Looking for Assistance in The Dark: Pay Secrecy, Expertise Perceptions, and Efficacious Help Seeking among Members of Newly Formed Virtual Work Groups." Journal of Business and Psychology 31, no. 4: 459-477. December 2016
Thundiyil, Thomas, Daniel Chiaburu, Ning Li, and David Wagner. "Joint Effects of Creative Self-Efficacy, Positive and Negative Affect on Creative Performance." Chinese Management Studies 10, no. 4: 726-745. November 2016
Anthony, Callen, Andrew J. Nelson, and Mary Tripsas. "'Who Are You?...I Really Wanna Know': Product Meaning and Competitive Positioning in the Nascent Synthesizer Industry." Strategy Science 1, no. 3: 163-183. September 2016
Davis, John A. and Mark A. Farrell. The Market-Oriented University: Transforming Higher Education. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. July 2016
Markman, Gideon D., Michael Russo, G.T. Lumpkin, P. Devereaux Jennings, and Johanna Mair. "Entrepreneurship as a Platform for Pursuing Multiple Goals: a Special Issue on Sustainability, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship." Journal of Management Studies 53, no. 5: 673-694. July 2016
Starbuck, William. "60th Anniversary Essay: How Journals Could Improve Research Practices in Social Science." Administrative Science Quarterly 61 no. 2: 165-183. June 2016
Harrison, Spencer H., and David T. Wagner. "Spilling Outside the Box? The Effects of Creative Behavior at Work on Time Spent with Spouse at Home." Academy of Management Journal 59, no. 3: 841-859. June 2016
Moulton, Jeremy G., Alexandra Graddy-Reed, and Lauren Lanahan. "Beyond the EITC:The Effect Of Reducing the Earned Income Tax Credit on Labor Force Participation." National Tax Journal 69, no. 2: 261-284. June 2016
Starbuck, William H. "Squeezing Lemons to Make Fresh Lemonade: How to Extract Useful Value from Peer Reviews." In How to Get Published in the Best Management Journals, edited by Timothy Clark, Mike Wright, and David Ketchen Jr., 85-104. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. June 2016
Schwab, Andreas and William H. Starbuck. "Collegial ‘Nests’ Can Foster Critical Thinking, Innovative Ideas, and Scientific Progress." Strategic Organization 14, no. 2: 167-177. May 2016
Gish, J. Jeffrey, and David T. Wagner. "The Affective Implications of Sleep." In Work and Sleep: Research Insights for the Workplace, edited by Julian Barling, Christopher M. Barnes, Erica Carleton, and David T. Wagner. New York: Oxford University Press. April 2016
Nelson, Andrew J. "Managing Collaborations at the University-Industry Interface: An Exploration of the Diffusion of PCR and rDNA." In Qualitative Organizational Research: Best Papers from the Davis Conference on Qualitative Research, Volume 3, edited by Beth A. Bechky and Kimberly D. Elsbach, 53-90. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. April 2016
Lanahan, Lauren "Multilevel Funding for Small Business Innovation: A Critical Review of State SBIR Match Programs." The Journal of Technology Transfer 41, no. 2: 220-249. April 2016
Holloway, Samuel S., and Anne Parmigiani. "Friends and Profits Don’t Mix: The Performance Implications of Repeated Partnerships." Academy of Management Journal 59, no. 2: 460-478. April 2016
Barling, Julian, Christopher M. Barnes, Erica L. Carleton, and David T. Wagner. Work and Sleep: Research Insights for the Workplace. New York: Oxford University Press. April 2016
Barnes, Christopher, Devasheesh Bhave, Alexandru Lefter, and David Wagner. "The Benefits of Bad Economies: Business Cycles and Time-Based Work-Life Conflict." Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 21, no. 2: 235-249. April 2016
Nelson, Andrew J. "How to Share 'A Really Good Secret': Managing Sharing/Secrecy Tensions around Scientific Knowledge Disclosure." Organization Science 27, no. 2: 265-285. March 2016
Younkin, Peter. "Complicating Abandonment: How a Multi-Stage Theory of Abandonment Clarifies the Evolution of an Adopted Practice." Organization Studies 37, no. 7: 1017-1053. February 2016
Feldman, Maryann P., Theodora Hadjimichael, Lauren Lanahan, and Tom Kemeny. "The Logic of Economic Development: A Definition and Model for Investment." Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 34, no. 1: 5-21. February 2016
ten Brinke, Leanne, Christopher C. Liu, Dacher Keltner, and Sameer B. Srivastava. "Virtues, Vices, and Political Influence in the U.S. Senate." Psychological Science 27, no. 1: 85-93. January 2016
Liu, Christopher C., Sameer B. Srivastava, and Toby E. Stuart. "An Intraorganizational Ecology of Individual Attainment." Organization Science 27, no. 1: 90-105. January 2016
Blit, Joel, Christopher C. Liu, and Will Mitchell. "What Goes on Beneath the Surface of Reconfiguration? The Impact of Redeployment via Activity Addition and Subtraction on Firm Scope and Turnover." In Advances in Strategic Management, Volume 35: Resource Redeployment and Corporate Strategy, edited by Timothy B. Folta, Constance E. Helfat, and Samina Karim, 185-216. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing. January 2016
Heidl, Ralph, H. Kevin Steensma, and Corey Phelps. "Coopetition in Multipartner Alliances: Knowledge Flow between Strangers among Friends." Academy of Management Proceedings 2016: no. 1. January 2016
Conti, Annamaria, and Christopher C. Liu. "Bringing the Lab Back in: Personnel Composition and Scientific Output at the MIT Department of Biology." Research Policy 44, no. 9: 1633-1644. November 2015
Lanahan, Lauren, and Maryann P. Feldman. "Multilevel Innovation Policy Mix: A Closer Look at State Policies That Augment the Federal SBIR Program." Research Policy 44, no. 7: 1387-1402. September 2015
Hardin, J., L. Lanahan,and L. Brun. "Assessing State-level Science and Technology Policies: North Carolina's Experience with SBIR State Matching Grants." In Oxford University Handbook of Local Competitiveness, edited by David A. Audretsch, Albert N. Link, and Mary Lindenstein Walshok, 385-400. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. August 2015
Davis, John A. "Can Online Education Disrupt the Customized Training Space?." The Evollution. July 2015
Feldman, M. P., and L. Lanahan. "Crafting a Comeback: Innovation and Entrepreneurship as an Economic Development Strategy in Mature Regions." In Handbook of Manufacturing Industries in the World Economy, edited by J. R. Bryson, Jennifer Clark, and Vida Canchan, 451-473. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. June 2015
Nelson, Andrew J., and Stefano Cazzago. "Culture and Innovation." In The Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Innovation, edited by David B. Audretsch, Christopher S. Hayter, and Albert N. Link, 20-27. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. June 2015
Porrini, Patrizia, and William H. Starbuck. "Information and Knowledge, Organizational." In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, edited by James D. Wright, 72-76. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. March 2015
Nelson, Andrew. The Sound of Innovation: Stanford and the Computer Music Revolution. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. March 2015
Nelson, Andrew J., and Thomas Byers. "Challenges in University Technology Transfer and the Promising Role of Entrepreneurship Education." In The Chicago Handbook of University Technology Transfer and Academic Entrepreneurship, edited by Albert Link, Donald S. Siegel, and Mike Wright. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. March 2015
Liu, Christopher C., and Sameer B. Srivastava. "Pulling Closer and Moving Apart: Interaction, Identity, and Influence in the U.S. Senate, 1979-2009." American Sociological Review 80, no. 1: 192-217. February 2015
Grodal, Stine, Andrew J. Nelson, and Rosanne M. Siino. "Help-Seeking and Help-Giving as an Organizational Routine: Continual Engagement in Innovative Work." Academy of Management Journal 58, no 1: 136-168. February 2015
Chown, Jillian D., and Christopher C. Liu. "Geography and Power in an Organizational Forum: Evidence from the U.S. Senate Chamber." Strategic Management Journal 36, no. 2: 177-196. February 2015
Starbuck, William H. "Issues and Trends in Publishing Behavioral Science: A Quarrelsome Crew Struggling with a Disintegrating Boat on a Stormy Sea." In Incentives and Performance: Governance of Research Organizations, edited by Isabell M. Welpe, Jutta Wollersheim, Stefanie Ringelhan, and Margit Osterloh, 3-18. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. January 2015
Parmigiani, Anne, and Miguel Rivera-Santos. "Sourcing for the Base of the Pyramid: Constructing Supply Chains to Address Voids in Subsistence Markets." Journal of Operations Management 33-34, no. 1: 60-70. January 2015
Conti, Annamaria, and Christopher C. Liu. "The (Changing) Knowledge Production Function: Evidence from the MIT Department of Biology from 1970-2000." In The Changing Frontier: Rethinking Science and Innovation, edited by Adam B. Jaffe and Benjamin F. Jones, 49-74. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. January 2015
Starbuck, William. "Why We Need More Powerful Multinational Corporations." Insights: Melbourne Business and Economics 16: 23-29. November 2014
Nelson, Andrew, and Erik Monsen. "Teaching Technology Commercialization: Introduction to The Special Section." Journal of Technology Transfer 39, no. 5: 774-779. October 2014
Liu, Christopher C., and Toby Stuart. "Positions and Rewards: The Allocation of Resources within a Science-Based Entrepreneurial Firm." Research Policy 43, no. 7: 1134-1143. September 2014
Feldman, M. P. and L. Lanahan. "State Science Policy Experiments." In The Changing Frontier: Rethinking Science and Innovation Policy, edited by Adam B. Jaffe, and Bengamin F. Jones, 287-317. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. August 2014
Nelson, Andrew, Andrew Earle, Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Julie Haack, and Doug Young. "Do Innovation Measures Actually Measure Innovation? Obliteration, Symbolic Adoption and Other Finicky Challenges in Measuring Innovation Diffusion." Research Policy 43, no. 6: 927-940. July 2014
Nelson, Andrew J., and Jennifer Irwin. "'Defining What We Do—All Over Again': Occupational Identity, Technological Change, and the Librarian-Internet Search Relationship." Academy of Management Journal 57, no. 3: 892-928. June 2014
Husted, Bryan W., Michael V. Russo, Carlos E. Basurto Meza, and Suzanne G. Tilleman. "An Exploratory Study of Environmental Attitudes and The Willingness to Pay for Environmental Certification in Mexico." Journal of Business Research 67, no. 5: 891-899. May 2014
Feldman, Maryann P., Lauren Lanahan, Iryna V. Lendel. "Experiments in the Laboratories of Democracy: State Scientific Capacity Building." Economic Development Quarterly 28, no. 2: 107-31. May 2014
Starbuck, William H. "Why Corporate Governance Deserves Serious and Creative Thought." Academy of Management Perspectives 28, no. 1: 15-21. February 2014
Davis, John A. and Jessica Zutz Hilbert. Sports Marketing: Creating Long-Term Value. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. November 2013
Davis, John A. "Why a High Global IQ is Essential." Middle East Business Intelligence. September 2013
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