Faculty and Research News

Roger Best, Dennis Howard, Ofuma Eze-Echesi, and David Borlack examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on U.S. sportswear revenues.

The 2020 edition of the yearly publication of the School of Accounting at the UO Lundquist College of Business.

Research by John Chalmers and Z. Jay Wang finds that real-time financial reporting improves muni bond markets.
PhD candidate Nathan Warren and coauthor Troy Campbell examined a possible stereotype that links sleep and masculinity.
Research by management professor Peter Younkin and coauthor has earned the inaugural 2020 Bradford-Osborne Award.
Read stories about how the college continues to shape the business environment and chart new ways to move forward in the 2020 edition of our magazine.
Research by finance professor Albert Sheen provides important new insights into the way the two types of businesses operate.
When it came to delivering engaging coursework virtually, Lundquist College faculty and staff didn’t miss a beat.
A new study by management professor Lauren Lanahan seeks to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on small high-tech firms.
Research by management professor Peter Younkin provides insight into the experiences of Black entrepreneurs.
Created in partnership with the Portland Business Journal, the Oregon's Recovery Playbook video interview series highlights the region's most influential leaders.
Marketing professor T. Bettina Cornwell's research explores the underlying dynamics of food preferences.
Research by marketing professor Joshua Beck shows companies need to be in step with key stakeholders.
Cornwell is being awarded one of the University of Oregon’s highest faculty honors.
The Lundquist College of Business has invested in curriculum and programming that deepens its offerings for students looking to build careers in the food and beverage industry.